Finally, I found the reason of busy page.
This is an realy exceptional situation…
Source of problem is gzdeflate function in load-scripts.php at line 134. I think that it output an malicious data to browser and browser waiting forever… If I select a different compression level diffent from 3 then problem solved.
Also, load-scripts.php script reads four js file into variable named $out then compress it and output to browser. Scripts are below:
If I change the content of any one of the js files above then problem fixed. I prefer to set compression level to 9.
I will try to debug of crafted output of gzdeflate.
I’m using;
- WordPress 3
- PHP 5.1.6 (cli) (built: Mar 31 2010 02:44:37)
- Apache Server version: Apache/2.2.3 Server built: Apr 4 2010 17:19:54