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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Doc Embedder] Google doc Embedder and internet explorer 10-11Managed it, cleared the chache in IE11 and it loaded fine. So it looks like I have alolt of members who I am going to have to ask to clear the cache.
Update: Will adding cache=”0″ to the shortcode help with this issue?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Doc Embedder] Google doc Embedder and internet explorer 10-11Now just tried it in full screen mode and that seems to have stopped working too?
Edit: If I change GDE to use standard view instead of enhanced view it works in full screen.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Doc Embedder] Google doc Embedder and internet explorer 10-11@bschmidttraub: Thanks for the response, its a strange one, had a number of members stating they cant view any of the news updates in IE11 today but could yesterday, then we tried it today and noticed we couldn’t either.
We have tried it on 3 computers in the office and a PC from home all running IE11.02..just hangs at about 90% across the loading bar. Works fine on Chrome and Firefox.
At first we thought it may be the configuration of our office computers, but when we tried it on the one at someones home (not our Windows build) and noticed the same issue.
Typical IE…We are at a loss.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Doc Embedder] Google doc Embedder and internet explorer 10-11Having the same issue, Document loads but never reaches 100%, loads if I hit the full screen view.
IE11 worked up to today, I have the above fix already in place.
I have noticed other sites with links in this forum that don’t seem to be working anymore either.
Tried on multiple computers.
It only seems to be the small view that isnt working not full screen, but as mentioned worked up to today, with fix and now all my members state they cant read the documents anymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User List] I need to see additional rolesI am after the same thing, Perfect for what we need however we use custom roles for different member types.
Did you manage to fix this issue or find a work around?
Doh! I need to read complete posts, before I post an answer..sorry
Hope this helps, i’m a newb here so go easy on me.
Try changing the word white to #f9f9f9
.round-div {border-color: #f9f9f9;}