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Hi @xlplugins,
can you confirm if you you are adding the filter in you next update ? =)
Thank you for your help and for great plugin
I got mine to work and I was wondering if you could add one filter for your next update so my fix keeps working after your next update.
Here is how i got it working:
I because my site uses custom login/register I modified function “custom_form_login_check” in your file “class-xlwuev-woocommerce-confirmation-email-public.php” on line 327. I added a filter so I could modify the slug in my child theme.
Here is the modified functions that included the filter “xlwuev_custom_form_login_check_redirect_url” and this is the filter that I would like you to add:
/* * This function executes just after the user logged in. If restrict user setting is enabled in the plugin settings screen, the the user is force * logged out. */ public function custom_form_login_check( $user_login ) { $user = get_user_by( 'login', $user_login ); if ( ! is_super_admin() && 'administrator' != $user->roles[0] ) { if ( true != get_user_meta( $user->ID, 'wcemailverified', true ) ) { $is_force_login_enabled = XlWUEV_Common::get_setting_value( 'wuev-general-settings', 'xlwuev_restrict_user' ); if ( '1' == $is_force_login_enabled ) { wp_logout(); if ( false == is_order_received_page() && false == $this->is_checkout_page ) { $redirect_url = add_query_arg( array( 'xlsm' => base64_encode( $user->ID ), ), apply_filters( 'xlwuev_custom_form_login_check_redirect_url', get_the_permalink( $this->my_account ) ) ); wp_redirect( $redirect_url ); exit; } } else { // Do Nothing } } } }
So after adding the filter I modified the output in my child theme.
Here is the code from my child themes functions.php:
/** * Create a custom filter for email verification redirect slug * Needed for the error notice to work * -Eppu */ add_filter('xlwuev_custom_form_login_check_redirect_url','xlwuev_custom_form_login_check_redirect_url_customization'); function xlwuev_custom_form_login_check_redirect_url_customization () { $slug = get_post_field( 'post_name', get_post() ); return $slug; }
And also as I mentioned before I’m loading the
<?php wc_print_notices(); ?>
function in my navigation so error notifications are displayed in my navigation.Thank you so much for a great plugin and support, keep up the good work and please if you can add the filter I mentioned in my text in your next update.
Hi @jasondavis916,
My guess would be that you are missing the
<?php wc_print_notices(); ?>
function that actually prints out the notification.And the [wcemailverificationmessage] only prints verification success notification, not the error notifications.
@xlplugins you should do your support publicly, so people can support each other.
Sorry for describing my problem incorrectly in the first post. I tried to change it but unfortunately I could not edit the first post.
Or actually I have my registration in my navigation in a mega menu. So it would be nice to have the error notification displayed on any page that user is currently on.
In my mega menu I have:
<?php wc_print_notices(); ?>
so incorrect password message is displayed in the mega menu and also the message is copied to the page head to help the user to notice the error notification.So how can I display error notices produced by “Woocommerce User Email Verification” on a custom page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast SEO] How to add posts with “Expired” status to sitemap?Hello,
We already removed the noindex tag from expired listings.
Thank you it worked wonderfully.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Jobs not displayed on japanese pageI have same problem after updating WPML.
The fix above works only for listing page but not for image upload in job posting process.
I found another fix for the problem but I just don’t like modifying plugin files.
The file that I modified was \plugins\wp-job-manager\includes\class-wp-job-manager-ajax.php on line 71:
Old:public static function get_endpoint( $request = '%%endpoint%%', $ssl = null ) { if ( strstr( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), '/index.php/' ) ) { $endpoint = trailingslashit( home_url( '/index.php/jm-ajax/' . $request . '/', 'relative' ) ); } elseif ( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) { $endpoint = trailingslashit( home_url( '/jm-ajax/' . $request . '/', 'relative' ) ); } else { $endpoint = add_query_arg( 'jm-ajax', $request, trailingslashit( home_url( '', 'relative' ) ) ); } return esc_url_raw( $endpoint ); }
public static function get_endpoint( $request = '%%endpoint%%', $ssl = null ) { if ( strstr( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ), '/index.php/' ) ) { $endpoint = trailingslashit( site_url( '/index.php/jm-ajax/' . $request . '/', 'relative' ) ); } elseif ( get_option( 'permalink_structure' ) ) { $endpoint = trailingslashit( site_url( '/jm-ajax/' . $request . '/', 'relative' ) ); } else { $endpoint = add_query_arg( 'jm-ajax', $request, trailingslashit( site_url( '', 'relative' ) ) ); } return esc_url_raw( $endpoint ); }
So I had to change all home_url to site_url.
Does anyone have any suggestions how not to modify plugin files.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Yoast Duplicate Post] Mass clone from list – “Bulk Actions”My bad, had to update WP.
Thank you for the quick answer.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Any timeline for the next updateUnfortunately the WPML support did not get included to this release.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Job Colors for WP Job Manager] No WPML supportNo support.
Had to uninstall.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager - Company Profiles] WPML supportNo support.
Had to uninstall.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Widget Logic] Errors after updateNo more errors.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] URGENT: plugin update for 4.7.1?When is the update coming? Can developers give some kind of timeline?