Artur Kostecki
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Kirki Customizer Framework] Save button in Customizer is active all the timeHello,
Github version mentioned above fixed all problems. In fact I don’t know why earlier something went wrong but now everything works fine. Thank you for your time and awesome plugin!
@epress24Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Trouble with Child ThemeHi,
For me everything is working properly. I do not know what’s wrong with yours installation. If for some reason you have problems with child theme implementation, use plugin. This one is handy:
@epress24Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Trouble with Child ThemeHi,
Yes, just paste it in. This is example function name, but it doesn’t matter now. If code will work, you can change that name for more intuitive then.
@epress24Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Trouble with Child ThemeHello,
I’ll try to help.
1. If you need make changes in CSS just occasionally, maybe better solution is Additional CSS in Customizer. This is new handy feature in WordPress 4.7 (Dashboard: Appearance > Customize).
2. I checked out my local Ultra Framework installation and everything looks ok. Child theme works fine. Code in your child theme functions.php looks good as well, but I do it in little bit different way. Maybe code below will be helpful. Just paste it in your child theme functions.php (not use closing PHP tag at the bottom). Let me notice Ultra Framework has built upon UIkit CSS Framework, so need enqueue UIkit file and local custom fonts as well.<?php if ( !function_exists( 'example_enqueue_styles' ) ): function example_enqueue_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-theme', trailingslashit( get_template_directory_uri() ) . 'style.css', array( 'uikit','ultra_framework-custom-fonts' ) ); } endif; add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'example_enqueue_styles', 10 );
Thank you for update. Just let me notice success is halfness, because Layer Slider in shortcode element works ok now, but LayerWP widget doesn’t.
Artur, e-press24Everything works fine. Thank you for attention and good luck.
Thank you for reply and attention!
Thanks a lot, I’m going to test it soon. BTW King Composer is amazing, but please tell me: is free backend builder version time limited offer? This is essential question for me in marketplace theme development perspective.Thank you, Anthony!
The same problem: imported in new installation xml file broken rows, columns, elements etc. All e.g. page content or sections built in backend editor after import landed in one element: text editor. I exported it in two ways: first one by default WordPress export-import tools and second one by Radium One Click Install Demo item. Result is the same. I’m also interested in what method do you recommend for content export-import…
Best regards,
Artur from e-press24