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  • Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    Hi Danny, just a feedback. It seems removing the endpoint file has solved this issue, so thank you for suggesting that.

    I have a feedback with regard to the counting of the pages, for instance…it’s 12:30 am (00:30) in my location and the stats say something like:
    Your site had 68 pageviews today, of which 182 were in the last hours.
    You see the logical error here ??

    Thank you for all your support, and this great plugin.
    I will close this issue as solved.

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    I personally simply changed the version number in the main PHP file, that’s where the issue is, the content of that file may have changed, I don’t know, haven’t checked, but if the repository says its version number should be 3.3.3, then consequently that’s what has to stand at the top header of the PHP file

    facebook-for-woocommerce.php has this at the top / the comment header

    // phpcs:ignoreFile

    • Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved
    • This source code is licensed under the license found in the
    • LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
    • Plugin Name: Facebook for WooCommerce
    • Plugin URI:
    • Description: Grow your business on Facebook! Use this official plugin to help sell more of your products using Facebook. After completing the setup, you’ll be ready to create ads that promote your products and you can also create a shop section on your Page where customers can browse your products on Facebook.
    • Author: Facebook
    • Author URI:
    • Version: 3.3.2
    • Requires at least: 5.6
    • Requires PHP: 7.4
    • Text Domain: facebook-for-woocommerce
    • Requires Plugins: woocommerce
    • Tested up to: 6.7
    • WC requires at least: 6.4
    • WC tested up to: 9.6
    • @package FacebookCommerce

    I changed 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 AFTER updating, and it’s allright, the nag disappeared.

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    Allright, I removed the file and will keep monitoring and comparing server no. of visits with what koko is reporting. I will get back to you within 24 hours, if it’s not a bother, don’t close the topic.. let’s keep this as an open issue, and I’ll post feedback.

    Thank you for your assistance

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    Hi Danny, thank you for your reply

    No errors are present, even if I turn debugging on.
    Cron works allright, sometimes Litespeed cron fails to execute, but it executes later (as in … same day, but with a delay)

    There is an events_buffer.php file in the uploads/koko_analyitics folder, however, it seems strange that its content is exit() right after the php startline, but after the ?> closing php bracker, there are some serialised data lines
    Is that how it’s supposed to be ?

    I’ve replaced the real path below, for safety reasons, with 3 dots


    • @package koko-analytics
    • @license GPL-3.0+
    • @author Danny van Kooten
    • This file acts as an optimized endpoint file for the Koko Analytics plugin.

    // path to pageviews.php file in uploads directory
    define(‘KOKO_ANALYTICS_BUFFER_FILE’, ‘/…/public_html/wp-content/uploads/pageviews.php’);

    // path to functions.php file in Koko Analytics plugin directory
    require ‘/…/public_html/wp-content/plugins/koko-analytics/src/collect-functions.php’;

    // function call to collect the request data



    @bartoszbudzanowski Brother you seem to be a coder, part of the team working on this plugin.

    Please consider what I’ve written above: that feed deletion function is UNNECESSARY in an automated form. That could solve a lot of issues. Feed deletion doesn’t need to be automated, makes zero sense whatsoever, is not necessary for the merchant, not required by the platform (Pinterest) , as one can have several feeds and they don’t collide with each other, so what’s the purpose of the feed deletion algorithm ?

    Thank you



    Opening a new thread simply means the developers don’t take responsability for this issue, and it’s called redundancy. Why open a new thread for the same issue ? If there are a thousand people with the same issue, having everyone open a new thread makes it easier for developers to fix the issue? On the contrary, it makes it HARDER to fix the issue, because that way they may need to give the same answer, or ask the same questions all overs again, a thousand times !

    Please @purplelemur look into this.
    I have installed the latest version indicated by you, issue isn’t fixed.

    Every single time I go to admin dashboard, the number of reported failed deletions increases by 1.

    As a coder myself, I can’t believe it would be so hard to look into this, and fix it ! If the user has selected that USING THE PREVIOUSLY EXISTING FEED is their option, THERE IS NO FEED DELETION NECESSARY.
    If the user has selected a new feed, then again, DELETING THE OLD FEED IS UNNECESSARY.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but these issues simply stem from the existance of this feed deletion part, which is completely unnecessary in an automated way, it should only exist as an option on a list, like “Here’s the list of your feeds, click the X on the right to delete this feed”.



    I understand coding is not childsplay, as a coder myself with almost 40 years experience, I just don’t understand how does something so disfunctional even get to be pushed to the public ??
    I have DEACTIVATED AND DELETED the plugin from the site, and still, I have 24…25 notifications telling me the same thing, that the feed could not be deleted, even though I have SPECIFICALLY SELECTED TO USE THE PREVIOUSLY EXISTING FEED when I was asked to reauthenticate. I click 25 times to dismiss the message, then 25 times more to dismiss the notification that is telling me that I’ve dismissed the message. Seriously ?
    And then 5 minutes later I get all the same messages back !
    Sloppy work, at best, something so broken should not be pushed to the public !

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    atec cache info is 1.3.9, there is no update available from

    the apcu I installed yesterday, was indeed, 1.5.1
    Since there was no update available, I presumed there’s no newer version online.
    Now I have deleted both, (apcu cache and cache info), and installed them, and now they work together, no error is generated, however, the object-cache.php can only be generated if I turn off all other caching plugins, like Litespeed.

    Thank you for all your effort and keep up the good work. Wish you all the best !

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    I believe this is what is of interest to you, mate, this is why your plugin is generating fatal errors: if a site also has atec cache info installed, that one already has a function with the same name as the one in atec cache acpu, that’s why atec cache cannot be activated.

    Have a look at this:
    [23-May-2024 20:14:05 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare atec_plugin_settings() (previously declared in /…/public_html/wp-content/plugins/atec-cache-info/includes/atec-tools.php:9) in /…/public_html/wp-content/plugins/atec-cache-apcu/includes/atec-admin.php on line 5

    Use another name or if it’s the same function , use if(!function_exists(‘atec_plugin_settings’)) … though I doubt this would be a good case, since in each plugin we are talking about different settings.

    I hope this helps.

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    Good to see you care about the plugin and tried to update it. I have followed your instruction, but unfortunately it cannot be activated, upon activation, it triggers a fatal error.

    “Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.”
    That’s the notification that appears with red, from the plugins screen and it cannot be activated. If I try activating right from the plugin installation screen, a slightly different error shows
    Activation failed: error

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    Maybe instead of wp_create_nonce(atec_nonce()) you should only use wp_nonce() or wp_nonce(‘atec_nonce’)… in includes/atec-cache-apcu-cache-admin-tools.php

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    Thank you for your reply.

    I don’t know how else to replicate this scenario, other then what I’ve encountered.
    So try this: edit a new page, add a block or two, specifically a block with a text and image in one of them, then save the page, view it, then go back and edit anything in the page, then save it again. I enlarged the picture compared to the previous size, and modified some text in the box.
    Regardless of what I did later, how many times I updated the post, the frontpage still reflected the 1st version saved.
    I had no cache at server level, no caching plugin, even turned off cache in wp_config.
    I tried so many times, I gave up on it, I deleted the entire block and then redesigned it from scratch, and then it worked.

    Thank you for taking the time to respond, I believe the simplest solution should be always applied, which is … add a piece of code to spectra that makes sure that wp cache is cleared, output buffering, and whatever else cache can be cleared.

    Sorry if I was too harsh in my first comment, I was indeed frustrated and feeling powerless because I had lost a lot of time with it.

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    Here’s a thought for the creator(s) of the plugin: why not check if user is logged in or not, and if logged in, use wp_ajax, and if not logged in, use wp_ajax_nopriv ?
    Maybe it will solve the nonce permission issue ?
    In other words, just like on frontpage, no nonce is visibly transmitted in case of loading pages, posts, products, same could be done here. Right ?

    Thread Starter eragonsoftware


    The issue is coming from the fact that “nonce” is not transmitted via the request, as you can see in the wpc-ajax-search.php, here’s the part that displays the error:

    if ( ! isset( $_POST[‘nonce’] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST[‘nonce’], ‘wpcas-security’ ) ) {
    die( ‘Permissions check failed.’ );
    This same check is executed in 3 functions, ajax_search(), ajax_add_rule() and ajax_add_condition().

    Maybe something changed in recent wordpress versions, and a different way to transmit the nonce should be used ?

    The easiest thing for the team to check is by watching this video. I made a capture from a dashboard, in which it’s absolutely clear what we are talking about. Main widget shows 1 order is processing, while in truth there are 5 being processed, and the number in the left menu’s bullet is correct.

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