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I can confirm?the issue still persists. I tried turning off cache completely, that is, WP_CACHE in wp-config off, no caching module installed at server level, no opcache, no redis, no memcache, no apcu… NO server-level caching module enabled.
Opcache specifically DISABLED even via .htaccess directive, browser cache fully cleared, server’s Litespeed cache fully cleared.
The issue is within the widget itself. It’s possible it’s not even counting the actual number of orders.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce status widget shows wrong numbers with HPOS enabled@frizzo the way I see it, the folks at woocommerce are now more interested in controlling what us, users do (as in “open a new thread here…”), then actually fixing the darn thing.
As you said it… should be a simple fix.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce status widget shows wrong numbers with HPOS enabledTelling people that something UNRESOLVED is resolved or “technically resolved” is 1) cognitive dissonance 2) disrespect
But hey… who am I to question the mighty coders of woo…
And you wonder why there are things UNSOLVED after years of having been reported ??
Allright, I will NOT open a new topic, I can live with that number being wrong, but what you are doing is WRONG.
Do you people want to solve issues, or not ?
Never mind.
Close it as solved, it’s easier to lie that an issue has been solved, then to actually solve itForum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] WooCommerce status widget shows wrong numbers with HPOS enabledTopic should not be closed, same thing started happening on a site I manage, just switched to HPOS a few days ago, and the main dashboard woocommerce widget always only shows ONE order is processing.
Maybe the team could add a flush cache, or recount those orders, to the widget ?