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  • I once did something vaguely similar where I had two different templates, both called index.php but in different subdirectories. To get the permalinks and stuff to point back to the same template, I did some simple but horrible hacking in:
    * get_category_link function in wp-includes/template-functions-category.php
    * get_permalink function in wp-includes/template-functions-link.php
    * get_month_link function in wp-includes/template-functions-link.php
    .. in order to make all the URLs relative (i.e. index.php?p=… or ?cat=… instead of…)
    I basically jus replaced
    $file = get_settings(‘home’) . ‘/’ . get_settings(‘blogfilename’);
    $file = get_settings(‘blogfilename’);
    in each function.
    I say horrible because it will make it harder to upgrade to a more recent version of WP, and I don’t know whether it would work with fancy URLs using .htaccess rewriting. Oh, and I didn’t change the calendar function because I don’t use a calendar on that site, but I imagine you could change it the same way.
    Well, it’s horrible but it works for me…

    Sorry I know nothing about Singapore. However there’s a few very simple random image selectors out there, I have previously used one by Nenad Motika that is easy to deploy. If all the pics you want to select from are in one directory, and you find a way to generate a thumbnail in php, it should do what you want.

    @willnea: started firefox from the WinXP start menu using the “special windows” and up/down keys; CTRL+D to type in the URL field. Scrolled down, found this topic, typed in the first few letters of the post topic (“Con”) to latch onto the link; pressed enter to follow the link (yeah, I don’t need to click on links anymore as long as they’re text. Firefox rox). Scrolled down to read this. Look mum, no mouse! I could even have used tab to get to this text field and enter the text, but it would have been too much hassle to press tab like 30 times so I did use the mouse for that. See? I’m pragmatic, not fanatic… Clicking on “Post Message” is a simple tab and enter though, no mouse at all.
    More generally, there is always a trade-off between how much control you as a web designer retain over the look/feel/navigation of a site, and how much you allow your visitors to control for themselves – e.g. column widths etc. When someone lets me make the window as wide or narrow as I want, and navigate around it the way I want, and doesn’t try to make me register or give them my email addreess, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy and I’m more likely to come back. Again, just my personal opinion.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Trying to create new plugin

    @pericat: guess you’re right, I’ll go try some other plugins before trying to make my own. it’s all too vague from the outside.

    date format: somewhere under options.
    other translation stuff: start here

    Nice design, but personally I’d get rid of the scrolls and use the whole browser window. I dislike anything that requires me to use the mouse. But then maybe that’s just me.

    Very nice design, music is cool too… arthuc, how do you survive without broadband? i don’t think i could anymore ??

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Trying to create new plugin

    Thanks ringmaster, I did read that wiki page but found it hard to think of my mod as a filter or action at the time.
    I changed, among others, the function get_month_link in template-functions-links.php, which is called by get_archives, which in turn is called by putting “wp_get_archives()” in the template. Thinking about it now, I guess I could create an “action” called wp_get_archives1, which calls get_archives1, which calls my modified get_month_link function, but that seems like overkill when I really only want to modify that last function in the chain.
    I was thinking about something like function overloading (a vague memory from when I was trying to learn C++ years ago). Ah, just found something:

    PHP does not support function overloading, nor is it possible to undefine or redefine previously-declared functions.

    I guess that settles it then. All plugins must be defined in terms of filters/actions?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Trying to create new plugin

    I second the request for some basic documentation on how the plugin architecture works. Not that any coding I’m doing right now is of sufficient quality to warrant it, but it would be nice to at least move towards that goal.
    Concrete example: I did this horrible hack in which I modified some functions in template-functions-links.php and template-functions-category.php. If I ever want to upgrade that site to WP >1.2 it will be a nightmare. Could I put my definitions of these functions in a separate file somewhere so that it will “trump” the standard WP definition, without actually having to rewrite stuff down in the guts of WP?
    Apologies if there is an obvious solution, I’m just a big PHP noob.

    I started learning CSS here:
    Give it a try.

    well you still have
    letter-spacing: -1px;
    applied to the ‘p’ selector. that overrides what you’ve done to ‘body’ (that’s why it’s called *cascading* style sheet).
    link cat order – if nothing in the control panel does what you want the easiest hack is to prefix a space to whatever you want to appear first.
    hehe beatallica, love ’em!

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: index.php?p=?

    php include statement?

    mmm nice clean design. “powered by WP link” would be good.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Comments

    Kate, you have a style sheet embedded in your index, which to my untrained eye doesn’t seem to have any selectors that actually select any comments related stuff.
    Additionally, you also have a wp-layout.css which is not linked to your index at all, so changing stuff in there won’t affect anything at all.
    Moose’s annotated CSS might help:

    Looking good on Firefox and Opera on WinXP. Only problem is when menu is shorter than content, perhaps a “clearer div” will sort this out (lots of posts on that in this forum). I can see the IPA characters fine, I guess that’s the beauty of Unicode! BTW what font did you use to create the header picture? I once tried something similar with the Doulos SIL font from but gave up as I couldn’t find the key combination for “open-mid schwa” (upside down a).
    [Apologies to everyone else for the off-topic Chinese]

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