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  • Oops, sorry Gap, I have no idea why I made that assumption. I read somewhere on here that it’s possible to convert the database encoding by downloading the whole DB, opening it in a text editor, saving it in a different encoding and uploading back to the server. Haven’t tried it though, and I wouldn’t know which editor would be suitable (I use vim but my skills are pretty basic, pointers would be appreciated). If you do try it though, make sure you back everything up!

    Thread Starter eric


    wah, so may tools, so little time! i’ll report back when i get a chance to try them.

    Do I need to GPL all the files on my Linux box? ??

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: index.php?p=?

    for what purpose? there are solutions for most things.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: .htaccess

    For reference.
    To chmod in FileZilla, right click on the remote files and select “File Attributes”.
    To view hidden files in FZ, menu item View > Show Hidden Files
    In the Cpanel, I see hidden files and permissions by default. To chmod in Cpanel, select a file, and “Change permissions” appears at the top right. Not a particularly intuitive user interface but it works..

    * pets his favourite browser *

    Are you trying to have 2 different templates, or just to change the name from index to posts.php?
    Having done a 2-template site (with no comments, no permalinks, and no calendar), my advice is avoid if at all possible – it’s a really ugly hack trying to get the permalinks, archives, and category links on both templates to point back to that same template instead of the other one.
    I ended up modifying the get_permalink and get_month_link functions in wp-includes/template-functions-links.php and more..
    Anyway, before I end up embarrassing myself with some butt-ugly and probably irrelevant code here, it might be helpful to tell us what you’re trying to do.

    Thanks, that clearer div idea could have saved me a lot of grief in the past so I’m sure it will be useful to someone in future.

    Thread Starter eric


    @sushubh: do you know it was your propaganda here that got me to finally try opera as a browser/email/newsreader in the first place? If you ever apply for a marketing job in Norway i’ll write you a reference ?? Yeah I know it’s not meant for ftp but I just tried it anyway because it’s good at all the other stuff. It does work, just not really convenient. Perhaps that would be a suggestion for their roadmap?

    Root, this looks really useful. I think floating and clearing are two of the less obvious concepts in CSS and anything that fills that gap is definitely worthwhile (although I personally prefer fluid to fixed-width, but that’s just me). I see you’ve added a “clearer” div into the index, it would be nice to have a little comment saying what this is for. Has anything else changed in the index?

    As a general rule for people like me: while Root is absolutely right, you learn more by breaking stuff. Best way is to write down what you’ve changed and check after each step, so you can un-break it more easily…

    Thread Starter eric


    There might be lots of stuff in Suse that I haven’t discovered yet! If you know of one, could you let me know where to look? cheers.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to:

    re. your date problem, have you tried WP’s the_time() function? Documented on the Wiki:
    As long as you set the right time difference in the WP control panel it should work.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Problem with text

    So I did a view source on your index page to see the encoding:
    <META NAME=”charset” CONTENT=”ISO-8859-1″>
    Try changing to utf-8, if you’re running WP1.2, that will probably fix it. But it might mess up some of your other stuff that is not coming out of WP, if that’s in 8859-1.
    You might also want to check your syntax, I had no idea that an html with 3 body tags is even possible to display…

    Thread Starter eric


    Cheers guys, I’ll download and try gftp when I get some time on my Linux box. I’m using Suse and KDE desktop, not Gnome, don’t know if that was the best choice but I had to start somewhere…
    I’d like to stay away from Wine if I can cos it kind of beats the whole point for me. Besides, I’ll still have WinXP on my other machine until either OpenOffice becomes 100% perfect at exporting to MS Office formats, or everyone I’ll ever work for switches to OpenOffice. So I can always run FileZilla on that. Thanks again.

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