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  • I don’t think you can control the encoding from within the admin interface. But it shouldn’t be hard to fix. There should be a line near the top of your undex.php saying something like<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> (assuming you’re running WP1.2 beta). In MT blogs that I’ve seen, it’s usually charset= iso-8859-1. Check it out and if you find the charset in your new WP blog is different from your old MT blog, that’s probably the reason for your problem. Just edit index.php to make charset the same as in the old blog, and see if that works.

    how about adding something like
    h1 {
    text-align: center;

    in your wp-layout.css?
    or even
    #header {
    text-align: center;

    should do the same

    @allusion: thanks!
    @elaine: way to go, i also agree about the learning bit.

    Not sure if this is related but I had a bit of trouble recently when I changed my nickname in “profile”, also changed my “Identity on blog” to the new nickname and then couldn’t login anymore… Bravely overcoming a deep psycholical fear opf databases, I finally went into phpMyAdmin to look at the users table and found out that the login name is completely separate from nickname and identity on blog, so all I had to do was log in under the same name name as before.
    But isn’t that a bit illogical? I really would have expected the login to have changed as well. Or is there a good reason why it’s implemented like that?

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: link rel

    never stopped me… course i don’t steal, just look for inspiration ??

    Looks blue to me…

    What kind of a backend do you have? I may be able to help if it’s cpanel or phpMyAdmin, others may be able to help if they know what you’re runnning…

    constructive suggestion to help new users find info faster: put a link to the wiki somewhere much more prominent on the main page. I’m thinking right up at the top next to support, or at least in the sidebar on the docs page. There’s some good info in the wiki but I for one didn’t find it for a while, halfway down the body of the docs page where it is now… and it would have been useful.

    A lot of people seem to have problems with this auto-install thing. I’ve done 3 installs (1xWP1.02 and 2xWP1.2beta) now and had to create wp-config.php by hand each time. Not a big issue but if I’d known the auto-install wouldn’t work I wouldn’t have tried to figure it out and could really have done it all in 5mins.
    Actually, looking at now it does say you need to create the file yourself.
    But on the other hand, looking at the readme.html in 1.2 beta, it suggests that it can also be created automatically by running wp-admin/install-config.php
    So what’s correct? Is it server dependent or something? And can anyone report a successful auto-install? If not, why not just change the readme until it actually works? I’m sure this would be spare WP newcomers some trouble.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: plain text?

    If you just remove the wp-layout.css file that should get rid of all styles. Or better still, remove the reference to it in index.php (lines 14-16). Then to get rid of the “Filed under” try deleting line 40 of index.php (div class=”meta” etc.) If you don’t want different categories you can also delete lines 69-73, that’s the code to list categories. You’ll still have the ability to create different categories in the backend, but as long as you don’t do that, I think that should do what you want.
    Hope this helps.

    Ah, now i see what “blogging remotely” means… I never imagined another blogging system would not allow you to post from any computer with an internet connection. How annoying would that be? I guess the advantage is you have a complete copy of your site on your won harddrive, just in case the host goes belly up… but then it seems that with cpanel hosts you can easily download a backup too – although I haven’t tried this yet.

    Yes, if you as admin create multiple users and give them a high enough user level, then each of them can login (from your front page or direclty on and post stuff from their borowser. This is actually the default way to post, rather than by email. No ftp is needed for posting, ever.

    This is a guess but might work… look in index.php, line 36 has a php function called “the_date”. Try moving that whole line into the [div class=”post”], i.e. paste it in after line 38.

    You’ve got two lines in your code saying div id=”rap”, try getting rid of the second one. Basically the number of opening div tags should always match the number of closing ones.
    Also, get rid of the “COMMENT”s, these were meant for your benefit, not to appear on the actual page.
    Hope this helps.
    Also, taking some time to improve your HTML is always a good idea. If you click on the “XHTML1.0” button on your page it will tell you what needs tightening up. It may look a bit daunting at first but it’s really worth it. Once your HTML is mostly good this automatic validator becomes a really useful tool to help you iron out the occasional mistake.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: A bilingual blog solution

    ozh: very nice!
    I’m thinking about doing something related, but not the same: a site where multiple users can blog in different languages but none of them can really be bothered to provide versions of their posts in more than one language.
    It would be nice to be able to “show posts in language x only” (rather than “show version in language x where available”, like you are doing). Or even tickboxes to select, say, two languages out of three. I’m guessing that this would need a change to the database where every post has an additional “language” property associated with it, but I don’t know enough about databases to try implementing it. Is anyone else working on such a thing, or can anyone think of an easier way to do it?
    Any pointers much appreciated…

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