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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: “Upgrade Automatically” not working for pluginsWhat is PclZip and how can I fix it?
Thanks for replying, but I have no clue what your suggestion is. Or was that merely a smart alec comment, in which case I’m impressed. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: All in One SEO Pack] Can’t activate Super Cache with thisWhy are you using crap like Super Cache anyway? Get rid of it entirely. Get 1BlogCacher — it’s simple, it works without problems, and it’s very, very good in making your blog static. And yes, it works with all other plugins without trouble.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 2.5: Create New Post Loads SlowFor me chrisJ’s “Write Post” is also slow. It’s just the number of things that WP needs to download into that thing that makes it slow. Scripaculous JS library and whatnot.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Does this suppost Akismet?Thanks so much, this sounds great! I’m particularly in solution 4, the honey pot. Could you tell me how I can write that regexp? Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: detecting current categoryalexgeek, I am looking for exactly what you needed. Would you mind sharing how you resolved it? Thanks.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP-Super Cache Not Working Well With APCMost hosting providers these days should offer “eAccelerator”. It works with Zend engines, and with everything else we have tried. And it’s much faster and less hassle than APC or xcache. All of these are open products, but you may wish to check performance benchmarks of all of these–many people have run them. I fail to understand why people would use APC anymore.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: MySQLi Support for WordPress v2.2 (download URL inside)Which files did you change? I don’t want to download the entire thing again. Just want to change “mysql_” to “mysqli_” where needed. Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress database error: [MySQL server has gone away]Loads of this problem even with 2.3.3. The hacked wp-db.php is hardly a solution. It doesn’t work. I cannot (and should not need to) change my mysql timeout value, which is quite high anyway. When is WP going to become a well-coded solution?!!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple blogs, one install?!Tomskinsg, do you have a set of instructions somewhere? This sounds like a really useful thing!
1. Is this is only for multiple blogs on the *same* domain? I’d like one centralized install and run many domain blogs from it as in
2. When you run blogs this way, do plugins work? For example, where would WP-SuperCache save its files?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple blogs, one install?!Can b2evolution run WP plugins? I know they’re “cousin” projects, but how closely related are they?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Trackbacks and PingbacksWhere do you want your trackback URL to appear?
1. Just below comments? Then enter it in the Comments template of your theme.
2. In the footer? Then enter it in the Footer template of your theme.
..and so on.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Multiple blogs, one install?!To original poster:
WordPress is simply not designed to allow to run many blogs. Yeah, I know, this is quite a gaping design flaw and a very annoying one, but WordPress MU community is trying to solve it. Don’t believe everything you read on MU’s front page though; there are a lot of plugins that simply don’t work on MU because the innards are so different.
If you want unlimited blogs from the same install, just get Movable Type and spend your time learning it.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Side Bar From Right To LeftYou’re talking of CSS, which has nothing to do with WordPress.
Google for “2 column CSS” or “3 Column CSS” with “sidebar left”.
For example: course once you have the demos working, you’ll have to edit your own theme to reflect it. That’s Presentation –> “Theme Editor”.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Analytics does not detect the codeHaving a plugin for this simple functionality is exactly why many WP blogs are so horridly slow. Just get the JS and toss it in your footer template for crying out loud.
If you want a folder in your site to be tracked, then yes, a trailing slash is the way to do. The same file without a trailing slash could be a *page* on the site (without a file extension, which is common these days) and not a folder.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: How to integrate WordPress with MS SQL Server databaseI can’t think of any logical reason why someone would want to use MS SQL over MySQL (certainly not speed, even if people drop by to say MS SQL is “awesome”).
If full fledged SQL compliance including procedures, constraints, rules and such is what you’re after, then go with PostgreSQL. In its 8.3 incarnation it pretty much trumps MySQL even on performance.
But I doubt you’ll need MS or Oracle or whathaveyou for a CMS or a blog. The port is not very difficult to do anyway, it’s just laborious.