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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] promotions not being savedWhoops, sorry–that was about a different issue.
About THIS issue, he suggested testing without any other plugins activated (I did that and the bug persisted.)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] promotions not being savedFYI – He told me he thinks it’s related to another bug I reported, and he’s hoping to push a fix shortly. There’s nothing for us to try on it now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageMy finding is that using the YAK Settings/Basic/Terms & Conditions text box is the problem. I thought initially that I was trying to be too tricky with it, as my text had a hyperlink in it, but retesting today even with just a simple string (“this is a bogus message”) broke the Confirm Order button again (made it nonresponsive with no errors to the console). When I leave the option blank, all is well.
Any advice? Am I correct in thinking this is a YAK bug? Thanks so much for your support. I’m excited to be getting my store working finally.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageEureka! The problem is in the Terms & Conditions option–removing it fixed the problem. More detail tomorrow–don’t want you to waste any time on it in the meantime.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageThe only things I’m seeing in my Firefox Error Console are: : potentially vulnerable to CVE-2009-3555
Unknown property ‘align’, ‘border-top-*’, etc. (declaration dropped) in the yak ui.css file
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageOver the weekend I reactivated some of my plugins. I’m getting this error:
Fatal error: main() [function.main]: The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "YakItem" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in /home/content/e/r/i/erinvang/html/wp-content/plugins/yak-for-wordpress/yak-view-confirm.php on line 96
when the following plug-ins (all current versions) are activated:
Feedburner Email Widget & FeedBurner FeedSmith
Google XML Sitemaps
SEO Ultimate
Twitter Blog
Wordpress Download Monitor
WP Email Capture
WPtouch iPhone Theme
YAK for WordPress
When I deactivate ALL of these plugins, the button is “dead” (does nothing and gives no errors). I’m leaving ALL plugins except YAK deactivated tonight so you can see this behavior.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageHere’s a $1 bogus product you could try buying by Direct Deposit if you’d like to see its deadness for yourself:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageWhen I click, nothing happens–nothing at all. The Error console is completely empty. Very puzzling.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageI wrote too soon. Now the “Confirm order” button is dead, whether I’ve chosen payment to test SPECIAL: Google Checkout (Live) (configured as described in ch2) or to test a Direct Deposit PAGE configured as described in chapter 1. I’m pretty sure I haven’t missed any of the documented steps (and yes, I’ve got “default template” for the Dir Dep page) but the Confirm Order button is dead no matter what I do. Not getting any error messages or hints…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageWell, how about that–I solved my own problem. I was using a custom template instead of default template. Default template works beautifully. Argh. Stupid me. Thanks so much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YAK for WordPress] [Plugin: YAK for WordPress] 404 error on Checkout pageOh, shoot–I forgot to write above that I DID deactivate EVERY SINGLE OTHER plugin before writing. It wasn’t working (same exact problem) on the old versions of WP and YAK with or without other plugins, and it’s not working on the new versions of WP and YAK without other plugins. (I haven’t started reactivating the plugins since doing the upgrade yesterday.)
Have you seen problems caused by themes, perhaps? I’m using a version of “pixel”. My site is, in case it helps.
Thanks! I like how you’ve designed the product overall–looking forward to getting it working!
Feedburner Email Widget & FeedBurner FeedSmith