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  • On second thought, if you don’t want the featured image on all video posts you could try this:

    .format-video img.wp-post-image {
    	display: none;

    This should remove the featured image from all the posts with video in them.

    Try it and let me know.

    Yes it is possible to do it on a post by post base, but remember that you will have the featured image and the post image on the other post pages if both are set.
    So instead of having single-post, replace it with the post ID like this:

    .postid-220 img.wp-post-image {
    	display: none;

    Let me know if this works for you.

    Kind regards

    Ernest Close

    Hi, very nice site. I could only see the second link, the first one just shows Coming soon page with subscribe link, but if they are the same then this will work for both. So based on the second site you can add this code to your custom css or child theme:

    .single-post img.wp-post-image {
    	display: none;

    This will remove the image from the single post page.

    Let me know how this works for you.

    Kind Regards

    Ernest Close

    Hi Yves, if I understand correctly, this can easily be fixed with some css. I believe I’ve done this for someone with this same theme in the past. Do you have a link to the page where this is shown?


    Ernest Close

    Hi Todd, all is well thank you. The one you are using isn’t bad, but if you want them inline horizontally then add this to your custom css.

    ul.ssb_list_wrapper.ssb_widget li {
    display: inline;
    max-width: 100%;
    width: 140px;

    This will line them up in the sidebar and the footer on all pages.


    Ernest Close

    Yes, that’s easy with some css. In the index.php file it is set to a light grey, but in the style sheet it is set to a very dark grey. The color is set on the header id, so if you add the code below to your custom css it should take preference. If not, add !important to it.

    #header {
    background: transparent;

    This will just make it transparent so you can see your page background.


    Ernest Close

    Always a pleasure.
    The site looks great.

    Hi Todd
    Thank you, I appreciate it.
    If you look at .page-title in your style.css you will notice the padding-bottom is 17px, if this was 18px they would line up. So in your custom css add this:

    .page-title {
        padding-bottom: 18px;

    That should line it up nicely for you.
    On some of the screen sizes the title wraps and there is not much you can do about that, because the title is very long, but it does not look funny. On the max 960px media query the text does not wrap and the padding-bottom is 12px which is smaller than the arrow blocks on the sides. To line it up there you can add this:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 960px) {
        .page-title.pad {
            padding-top: 12px;
            padding-bottom: 14px;

    That code is originally in the responsive.css file, but you should add it to your custom css.

    Let me know if this works for you.

    Ernest Close

    you can mail me. ernest at mystudio dot co dot za or through my contact form here.

    That calender icon is here:

    .widget > ul li:before, .widget > ul li a:before, .widget > div > ul li a:before, .widget_calendar caption:before {
    font-family: FontAwesome;
    font-size: 12px;
    margin-right: 6px;
    color: #ccc;
    display: inline-block!important;
    width: 1em;
    text-align: center;

    The color #ccc is also very light, you can change that to something else.

    ok, then use this:

    .widget_archive ul li, .widget_categories ul li, .widget_links ul li {
        color: #bbb;

    It is set to #bbb which is very light, you can change that to something else.

    At the moment “.sidebar a” is set to blue, so you could change that to another color. “.widget a” is set to gray #777 but “.sidebar a” is taking preference.

    .sidebar a {
        color: #000;

    Style sheets cascade and what that means is that you can specify different styles for the same element, but the one with the highest priority will be the one that shows. In your code you have many styles set on “a” links for instance with many different colors and that is why you are getting strange behavior. The priorities are calculated according to the css rules and basically that means that inline styles have the highest priority. styles applied after another style in the same file also takes priority over the one above it.
    The custom css plugin usually gives the style the highest priority, because it loads the stylesheet after all other styles are loaded, now the same would apply to the child theme, but as I mentioned earlier there are styles in your index.php file that are overwriting your styles. In most cases adding !important will move it’s priority up, but it’s all a case of which style is loaded last.
    In the index.php file there is actually a note mentioning that you could remove those styles and add them to your custom css and that should solve many of your link color issues.

    As to the code I see, that’s easy. In most browsers (I use chrome) you can right click on anything on your webpage and select inspect element. This will bring up a bar with the relevant code on one side and the styles applied to that element on the other. If you hover over the code you will see the different elements on your page light up and also the margins and padding applied to them in different colors. Now if you click on a line of code and go through the css you see the styles applied and if you then click on that style on the right of the code you can change the styles and even add your own styles while viewing the changes live on your website. Refreshing the page will take you back to the original page, but it’s a very nice way to see what something will look like before changing the site itself.

    Hope this helps, if you need more information on any of this feel free to ask.


    Ernest Close

    Yes, the same problem as above applies to those links, so you can override them by using !important like this:

    .tab-item-title a {
    	color: #777 !important;
    .tab-item-title a:hover {
    	color: red !important;

    The color is actually a dark grey #444 at the moment and hover is black so the first style above will make it a lighter grey and the second style above will make the hover state red. Change these to whatever you like.

    As usual, let me know if this works for you.
    Your site is looking very nice!


    Ernest Close

    As for the sidebars, you should be able to change those titles in the theme, not sure where though, but look under customization and where you add your social icons and links. The color you can change by adding this to your custom css:

    .sidebar-top p {
    	color: yellow !important;

    Hi Todd, I had to search quite a bit through the code to find the problem. The title’s hover state is actually white and shows up fine when hovering on the title, but when hovering over the article it’s black. If you remove the black from there it defaults to blue, but then the other links change as well. The problem I found was that the black is actually taking preference because it is specified within the index file itself and therefore overwriting all other styles. Not to worry though, because the solution is simple. Add this to your custom css and it will work.

    .post-title a {
        color: yellow !important;

    Now the color will not change when you hover over the article, but will still change to white when hovering over the title.
    Let me know if this works for you.


    Ernest Close

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