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  • Hi magarvit, do you have a link to the site so I may see the problem you are describing. I am sure I can give you the correct css to use if I can see the page.


    Ernest Close

    Hi g0nzal3z, which theme are you using or do you have a link to the site. You should be able to do this with css quite easily, but I need more info before I can give you the correct code.


    Ernest Close

    Hi Chauwp, what browser are you using. I viewed your site in the latest chrome, IE and firefox and the white block from your post lines up perfectly with the white block from your right sidebar.


    Ernest Close

    Glad I could help.


    Ernest Close

    Hi Tina, I notice when clicking on the page fancybox is called and the darkened screen is the fancybox overlay. This is normal behavior if you have a popup using fancybox, only nothing is poping up and therefor you cannot close fancybox and are stuck on the fancybox lock screen.
    I suggest you look at the settings to see what is calling fancybox.

    Let me know what you find.


    Ernest Close

    Hi Karolina, I checked your site and the color for main navigation menu is indeed #0c4da2 which means your site is cached by your browser. Refreshing your browser or cleaning the cache will load the changes.

    Let me know if this works for you.


    Ernest Close

    No problem, enjoy your evening. Cheers

    Have you made an exact copy of the main site. It is always good to try things on a test site.
    In the theme directory do you have ‘yourtheme’ and ‘yourtheme-child’ directories?
    Have you activated ‘yourtheme’ first and then activated ‘yourtheme-child’?
    Do you have the required comments and the url to the original style.css file in your new child theme style.css file?
    ‘yourtheme’ obviously being the name of your theme.
    It is very important that your comments are correct and that the url points to the correct path of the original style.css file.

    Hi Retha, Your site looks very nice and you are right that is a very nice theme. Have you managed to change the color of the text yet? I notice it’s only the quotes that are still gray.


    Ernest Close

    Hi abhoier, I see you got it right. It’s looking nice.


    Ernest Close

    Also, did you remember to activate your child theme. You should never have to make a file or directory 777.

    Hi Chris, what did you name the theme? and did you add the required comments and url?

    Always a pleasure.

    Sorry, I thought my website was in my profile.
    Here is a link to get you started

    Basically all you need in the child theme is a css file and you can place only the styles that you want to override in there.
    Once you’ve got your child theme setup, copy the styles that I mention from your original stylesheet to your new child theme stylesheet and apply the changes that I mentioned. That way you do not change the original and if it does not work simply deleting what you’ve added to the child theme will bring your site back to what it was. Look through your stylesheet for the media quiries with the break points I described and copy those over as well also applying only the changes as I described. Here is a sample of a media query so you know what to look for:

    @media all and (max-width: 979px) and (min-width: 768px) {
      #style for this break point;

    Enjoy playing with the css, it really is fun.
    oh and my website is at

    Let me know how things work out for you.


    Ernest Close

    Hi Chris, first of all you should create a child theme or install a custom css plugin. That way you will not lose your changes when your theme or plugins update. Add this to your custom css:

    .fullwidthbanner-container {
    width: 100%;
    position: relative;
    top: 72px;
    padding: 0;
    overflow: hidden;

    That will move the slideshow down just below the main header which is 72px heigh.
    Now you will have to move the main content area down slightly as well by adding this for the home page only:

    body.home #main {
    max-width: 1160px;
    margin: 0 auto;
    margin-top: 82px;
    position: relative;
    z-index: 10;
    clear: both;

    here I changed the margin-top from 55px to 82px and it will give you a small gap between the slideshow and carousel.

    Now you will have to add the media queries for the specific view ports for the breakpoints you want the menu to change in and they have to be exactly the same as the breakpoints in the original css file only the menu styles should change otherwise you will get some strange behavior.

    Unfortunately this is a bit complex for posting in this form, but you want to change the ‘#rightheader’ and ‘.searcharea a’ styles for the break point between 979px and 768px to match the styles of the max 767px break point. After getting the menu to work as required you will want to add the two top blocks of code to these two media queries again only this time changing the value for top 72px and margin-top 82px to something bigger to push them further down for these views.
    You will have to play with these values a bit to get it just right for all the views.

    [ Contact offer redacted ]


    Ernest Close

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