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  • I can’t freaking believe that I just found this! I wasted 15 hours yesterday trying to find a fix to this issue and here it is!!


    So I’m off to go do that now to help other hapless souls looking for this solution.

    If you ( see this, you should be posting this in your support forum. If you already did, then it is NOT easy to find.

    Sorry for the RANT, but in a way, I’m not.

    I am having the same issue! I used backup buddy to restore a multisite installation and test two different backup versions that I created only 7 hrs apart.

    On the restored site, the settings area is completely blank! Here is a pic of the screen shot:

    Here is the source code for my site:

    <div id="poststuff">
    		<form method="post" action="">
    			<input type="hidden" id="closedpostboxesnonce" name="closedpostboxesnonce" value="ca865000c0" />			<input type="hidden" id="meta-box-order-nonce" name="meta-box-order-nonce" value="979782d64a" />
    			<div class="metabox-holder">
    				<div class="post-box-container column-1-ai1ec left-side">
    					<div id="left-side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables"></div>					<p class="submit"><input type="submit" name="ai1ec_save_settings" id="ai1ec_save_settings" class="button-primary" value="Update Settings"  /></p>				</div>
    				<div class="post-box-container column-2-ai1ec right-side"><div id="right-side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables"></div></div>
    	</div><!-- #poststuff -->

    It looks like all this code is missing when I compared to a fully functional version:

    <div id="poststuff">
    		<form method="post" action="">
    			<input type="hidden" id="closedpostboxesnonce" name="closedpostboxesnonce" value="ca865000c0" />			<input type="hidden" id="meta-box-order-nonce" name="meta-box-order-nonce" value="979782d64a" />
    			<div class="metabox-holder">
    				<div class="post-box-container column-1-ai1ec left-side">
    					<div id="left-side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables">
    <strong>/* Code starts missing Here*/</strong>
    <div id="ai1ec-general-settings" class="postbox " >
    <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span>General Settings</span></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    <h2>Viewing Events</h2>
    <label class="textinput" for="calendar_page_id">Calendar page:</label>
    <div class="alignleft">		<select class="inputwidth" name="calendar_page_id"
    		        class="wafp-dropdown wafp-pages-dropdown">
    							<option value="__auto_page:Calendar">
    					- Auto-Create New Page -				</option>
    							<option value="2" >
    					Home				</option>
    							<option value="11"  selected="selected">
    					Calendar				</option>
    							<option value="164" >
    					Forms				</option>
    							<option value="197" >
    					Immunization Requirements				</option>
    							<option value="223" >
    					Teachers Lounge				</option>
    							<option value="84" >
    					After School Programs  				</option>
    							<option value="144" >
    					Dress Code				</option>
    							<option value="134" >
    					Contact				</option>
    							<option value="3722" >
    					Resources				</option>
    							<option value="6493" >
    					Payments				</option>
    							<option value="6856" >
    					News				</option>
    							<option value="6862" >
    					Teacher Pages				</option>
    							<option value="7853" >
    					Academic Excellence				</option>
    							<option value="123" >
    					Athletics				</option>
    							<option value="132" >
    					Billing Policy Overview				</option>
    							<option value="34" >
    					Curriculum Information				</option>
    							<option value="46" >
    					Enrollment Information				</option>
    							<option value="215" >
    					Lunch Menu and Payments				</option>
    							<option value="220" >
    					Mission & Vision Statements				</option>
    							<option value="74" >
    					Summer Camp and Activities				</option>
    							<option value="158" >
    					Tuition Assistance				</option>
    							<option value="3899" >
    					Classroom Supply Lists for 2012-2013 				</option>
    							<option value="7961" >
    					Childcare Programs				</option>
    							<option value="7965" >
    					Preschool Programs				</option>
    							<option value="7970" >
    					Middle School				</option>
    							<option value="7972" >
    					Photos				</option>
    							<option value="8680" >
    					Search Results				</option>
    					<div><a href="" target="_blank">
    				View "Calendar" ?			</a></div>
    <br class="clear" />
    <br class="clear" />
    <label class="textinput" for="week_start_day">Week starts on</label>
    		<select class="inputwidth" name="week_start_day" id="week_start_day">
    	<option value='0' selected="selected">Sunday</option>
    	<option value='1' >Monday</option>
    	<option value='2' >Tuesday</option>
    	<option value='3' >Wednesday</option>
    	<option value='4' >Thursday</option>
    	<option value='5' >Friday</option>
    	<option value='6' >Saturday</option>		</select>
    		<br class="clear" />
    <div class="ai1ec-admin-view-settings">
    	<label>Available Views:</label>
    					<tr class="ai1ec-admin-view-head">
    								Posterboard							</td>
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="checkbox toggle-view" type="checkbox" name="view_posterboard_enabled" value="1"
    									checked="checked" />
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="toggle-default-view" type="radio" name="default_calendar_view" value="posterboard"
    								Month							</td>
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="checkbox toggle-view" type="checkbox" name="view_month_enabled" value="1"
    									checked="checked" />
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="toggle-default-view" type="radio" name="default_calendar_view" value="month"
    								Week							</td>
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="checkbox toggle-view" type="checkbox" name="view_week_enabled" value="1"
    									checked="checked" />
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="toggle-default-view" type="radio" name="default_calendar_view" value="week"
    								Day							</td>
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="checkbox toggle-view" type="checkbox" name="view_oneday_enabled" value="1"
    									checked="checked" />
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="toggle-default-view" type="radio" name="default_calendar_view" value="oneday"
    								Agenda							</td>
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="checkbox toggle-view" type="checkbox" name="view_agenda_enabled" value="1"
    									checked="checked" />
    							<td class="ai1ec-control-table-column">
    								<input class="toggle-default-view" type="radio" name="default_calendar_view" value="agenda"
    <label class="textinput" for="posterboard_events_per_page">Posterboard pages show at most</label>
    <input name="posterboard_events_per_page" id="posterboard_events_per_page" type="text" size="1" value="30" />&nbsp;events<br class="clear" />
    <label class="textinput" for="agenda_events_per_page">Agenda pages show at most</label>
    <input name="agenda_events_per_page" id="agenda_events_per_page" type="text" size="1" value="10" />&nbsp;events<br class="clear" />
    <label for="agenda_events_expanded">
    <input class="checkbox" name="agenda_events_expanded" id="agenda_events_expanded" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    Keep all events <strong>expanded</strong> in the agenda view</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="show_year_in_agenda_dates">
    <input class="checkbox" name="show_year_in_agenda_dates" id="show_year_in_agenda_dates" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    <strong>Show year</strong> in agenda date labels</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="show_location_in_title">
    <input class="checkbox" name="show_location_in_title" id="show_location_in_title" type="checkbox" value="1" checked=checked />
    <strong>Show location in event titles</strong> in calendar views</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="exclude_from_search">
    <input class="checkbox" name="exclude_from_search" id="exclude_from_search" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    <strong>Exclude</strong> events from search results</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="show_create_event_button">
    <input class="checkbox" name="show_create_event_button" id="show_create_event_button" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    Show <strong>Post Your Event</strong> button above the calendar to privileged users</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="turn_off_subscription_buttons">
    <input class="checkbox" name="turn_off_subscription_buttons" id="turn_off_subscription_buttons" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    Hide <strong>Subscribe</strong>/<strong>Add to Calendar</strong> buttons in calendar and single event views</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="hide_maps_until_clicked">
    <input class="checkbox" name="hide_maps_until_clicked" id="hide_maps_until_clicked" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    Hide <strong>Google Maps</strong> until clicked</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="inject_categories">
    <input class="checkbox" name="inject_categories" id="inject_categories" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    Include <strong>event categories</strong> in post category lists</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <h2>Adding/Editing Events</h2>
    <label class="textinput" for="input_date_format">Input dates in this format:</label>
    		<select name="input_date_format">
    			<option value="def" >
    				Default (d/m/y)			</option>
    			<option value="us" selected>
    				US (m/d/y)			</option>
    			<option value="iso" >
    				ISO 8601 (y-m-d)			</option>
    			<option value="dot" >
    				Dotted (m.d.y)			</option>
    		<br class="clear" />
    <label for="input_24h_time">
    <input class="checkbox" name="input_24h_time" id="input_24h_time" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    Use <strong>24h time</strong> in time pickers</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="disable_autocompletion">
    <input class="checkbox" name="disable_autocompletion" id="disable_autocompletion" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    <strong>Disable address autocomplete</strong> function</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="geo_region_biasing">
    <input class="checkbox" name="geo_region_biasing" id="geo_region_biasing" type="checkbox" value="1" checked=checked />
    Use the configured <strong>region</strong> (WordPress locale) to bias the address autocomplete function</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <label for="show_publish_button">
    <input class="checkbox" name="show_publish_button" id="show_publish_button" type="checkbox" value="1"  />
    Display <strong>Publish</strong> at bottom of Edit Event form</label>
    <br class="clear" />
    <div id="ai1ec-advanced-settings" class="postbox " >
    <div class="handlediv" title="Click to toggle"><br /></div><h3 class='hndle'><span>Advanced Settings</span></h3>
    <div class="inside">
    <label class="textinput" for="calendar_css_selector">Contain calendar in this DOM element:</label>
    <input name="calendar_css_selector" id="calendar_css_selector" type="text" size="20" value="" />
    <div class="description">Optional. Provide a <a href="" target="_blank">jQuery selector</a> that evaluates to a single DOM element. Replaces any existing markup found within target. If left empty, calendar is shown in normal page content container.</div>
      <label for="event_platform">
        <input class="checkbox" name="event_platform" id="event_platform" type="checkbox" value="1"
        Turn this blog into an <strong>events-only platform</strong>      </label>
      <label for="event_platform_strict">
        <input class="checkbox" name="event_platform_strict" id="event_platform_strict" type="checkbox" value="1"
        <strong>Strict</strong> event platform mode    <div class="description">Prevents plugins from adding menu items unrelated to calendar/media/user management</div>
    <div class="clear"></div>


    Hopefully this helps. I have already tried deactivating plugins, a manual re-install, deleting sql and anything else I can think of…

    Where is this missing code stored in the plugin?

    We are using WP 3.4.1 and tried an auto update on a test site to WP 3.4.2, but didn’t change anything.

    Thanks for you help in advance!

    Hi, I use Headway Themes to build sites by creating our own child themes. I tried using these solutions previously posted here, but none of them worked for me.

    But I did discover the solution by placing this into the child theme CSS:

    body.custom ul.slides li {
    list-style: none outside none;

    This allows my to specifically call out the slides and not affect any other un-ordered list items on any other pages on the site. Hope this helps someone!

    Yes, that is the idea…

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