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  • Thread Starter erpico57


    Hi Sammer,

    thanks a lot for the tip. The widget takes the .webp format now, Perfect!

    Bye have a nice week!

    Thread Starter erpico57



    PROBLEM SOLVED ! System works now perfectly !

    The Host-provider added the file php.ini to my installation and following line in .htaccess:
    SuPHP_ConfigPath /home/astroliv/public_html/php.ini

    In php.ini following line was also added:
    memory_limit = 128M

    I’m afraid to cause this unnecessary engagement.

    Anyway, thanks a lot for your useful support!

    Thread Starter erpico57



    related to my last post, I have sets on true “define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);” and recalled “Appearance => Customize.

    The browser shows following error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 12288 bytes) in /home/astroliv/public_html/wp-admin/includes/post.php on line 1272

    It seems to be the same error like during the update of the version 4.7
    but every time i get this error, system shows another name of .php .
    I don’t see any logic and i have no idea how to follow/solve this kind of problem.

    Thanks a lot for your help.



    Thread Starter erpico57



    first, i wish you and all people a good 2017!!!

    I followed your suggestions and i could update successfully to v4.7.
    I should exclude 2 plugin (Child theme configurator and a Facebook widget)
    in order to run updates without crashes.
    The only thing i did, was to add in wp-config.php following line:

    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);
    i had this tip from “”

    Now the site runs fine but i have rcognized a strange thing:
    if i select “Appearance => Customize, the back-end of WP shows a blank page.
    In the address field is following path:

    Anyway, i can back to the WP-Panel. Other functions run well.

    Have you got an idea what happens?

    Thanks a lot in advance!


    Thread Starter erpico57


    Hy bcworkz,

    thanks a lot for your suggestion.

    I have updated from 4.6.1 to 4.7 and later have changed wp-config.php as you told me.

    The complete result of debugging can you find at

    Anyway, there is a new row in this report created after update. The remaining rows contain the same text like by 4.6 version-report.

    The new row is the following one:
    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 86017 bytes) in /home/astroliv/public_html/wp-includes/pomo/streams.php on line 201

    I will wait on your feedback before do something…
    Thank you very in advance

    This row wasn’t

    Thread Starter erpico57


    Hello Andrew,

    i could solve the issue! A part of the problem was a wrong call in function.php and the other part the path!

    Thank you very much for your tip!


    Thread Starter erpico57


    Thanks a lot Andrew !!

    I will give you a feedback ASAP.



    Thread Starter erpico57


    Hy Andrew,

    Ok, i’m not very familiarized with this kind of tools…
    I’m working sometimes with Firebug. If i open it, i see an error like:

    X TypeError: nuovo[conta] is undefined

    but this info was already known.

    Sorry but i don’t know how can i help you to show where is the bug…

    Follow you can see the script, perhaps it can help you to understand what happens:

    var period;
    var zodiac;
    var sign;
    var pietra;
    var filepath;

    // function to extract the actual zodiacal period
    function getPeriod()
    var oggi = new Date();
    var gior = oggi.getDate().toString();
    var mese = (oggi.getMonth() + 1).toString();
    var anno = oggi.getFullYear().toString();
    var data = anno + ( mese.length < 2 ? “0” : “” ) + mese + ( gior.length < 2 ? “0” : “” ) + gior;

    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0320” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0420” ) ) { // dal 20 marzo al 20 aprile
    document.write(“dell’Ariete ” ); sign = 0; pietra = “il Diaspro rosso”; filepath = “Pietre_ariete.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0421” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0519” ) ) { // dal 21 aprile al 19 maggio
    document.write(” del Toro” ); sign = 1; pietra = “il Quarzo rosa”; filepath = “Pietre_toro.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0520” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0621” ) ) { // dal 20 maggio al 21 giugno
    document.write(“dei Gemelli” ); sign = 2; pietra = “l´Occhio di tigre”; filepath = “Pietre_gemelli.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0622” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0722” ) ) { // dal 22 giugno al 22 luglio
    document.write(“del Cancro”); sign = 3; pietra = “la Pietra di Luna”; filepath = “Pietre_cancro.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0723” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0822” ) ) { // dal 23 luglio al 22 agosto
    document.write(“del Leone”); sign = 4; pietra = “il Cristallo di rocca”; filepath = “Pietre_leone.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0823” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0923” ) ) { // dal 23 agosto al 23 settembre
    document.write(“della Vergine”); sign = 5; pietra = “l´Amazzonite”; filepath = “Pietre_vergine.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0924” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “1022” ) ) { // dal 24 settembre al 22 ottobre
    document.write(“della Bilancia”); sign = 6; pietra = “la Giada”; filepath = “Pietre_bilancia.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “1023” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “1121” ) ) { // dal 23 ottobre al 21 novembre
    document.write(“dello Scorpione”); sign = 7; pietra = “il Quarzo tormalinato”; filepath = “Pietre_scorpione.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “1122” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “1221” ) ) { // dal 22 novembre al 21 dicembre
    document.write(“del Sagittario”); sign = 8; pietra = “la Malachite”; filepath = “Pietre_sagittario.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “1222” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “3112” ) ) { // dal 22 dicembre al 31 dicembre,
    document.write(“del Capricorno”); sign = 9; pietra = “l´Ossidiana”; filepath = “Pietre_capricorno.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0101” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0120” ) ) { // dal 1° gennaio al 20 gennaio
    document.write(“del Capricorno”); sign = 9; pietra = “l´Ossidiana”; filepath = “Pietre_capricorno.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0121” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0219” ) ) { // dal 21 gennaio al 19 febbraio
    document.write(“dell’Acquario”); sign = 10; pietra = “il Lapislazzuli”; filepath = “Pietre_acquario.htm”;
    if ( parseInt( data ) >= parseInt( anno + “0220” ) && parseInt( data ) <= parseInt( anno + “0319” ) ) { // dal 20 febbraio al 19 marzo
    document.write(“dei Pesci”); sign = 11; pietra = “l´Ametista”; filepath = “Pietre_pesci.htm”;

    // define array with all zodiacal stones used
    function apri(conta) {
    nuovo=new Array(“imgpietre/diaspro_rosso_ariete.png”,”imgpietre/quarzo_rosa_toro.png”,”imgpietre/occhio_di_tigre_gemelli.png”,”imgpietre/pietre_di_luna_cancro.png”,
    “imgpietre/cristallo_di_rocca_leone.png”,”imgpietre/amazzonite_vergine.png”,”imgpietre/giada_bilancia.png”, “imgpietre/quarzotormalinato_scorpione.png”,


    // function for the assembling the <href> statement to display the image and the corresponding file path pointing on a html page which contains more information about stones of this zodiacal sign

    function getlink() {
    document.write(‘<img src=”” name=”galle” class=”pietra” height=92 width=123 />’);

    // Function to start the JS into the home page of the site
    function avvia() {

    // Function to extract the corresponding zodiacal stone
    function getStone() {
    stone= pietra;

    Let me know if you need further information!

    Thank you very much!


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