Hi there ??
This is my first answer Im a bit excited haha. I’ve registered just to share what worked for me after about 7 hours reading and testing and debugging and frustrating and searching in google and repeat =(
Hope it can help some one else =)
So, for those of you having a local server (like wamp or xamp):
If you have already tried the next things:
– Deactivating all other plugins
– Incrementing “ThreadStackSize” at httpd.conf
– Uncommenting “Include conf/extra/httpd-mpm.conf” at httpd.conf
– Debugging MySQL and/or Apache logs
– Changing httpd.conf values
– Make sure you are using virtualHosts for your local sites
– Disabled your PC antivirus and firewall
And if every time you try to activate Wordfence it shows you an ERR_CONNECTION_RESET message, then check your PHP version. It worked for me when I upgraded PHP from 5.4.x to 5.6.x (keeping Apache 2.4.x)
Note: It could not be a MySQL server issue even MySQL error log shows something like “Got an error reading communication packets”.
Greetings ??