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  • Hi Tamatoa,
    maybe it’s not so clear from the discussion above, but you need those other plugins only if your menus ara different (=they contain different items) by language.

    Hi Corparit,
    You could use this plugin:

    as well as

    to easily change what’s displayed in menus and sidebars depending on the current language.
    Just tested, they work well with WPGlobus.

    In the “condition” field, you can use something like:
    get_locale() == ‘en_US’
    to display a menu item only in the english version;
    !(get_locale() == ‘en_US’)
    to display a menu item only if the language IS NOT english.

    (in_array ( get_locale(), array(‘en_US’, ‘fr_FR’, ‘it_IT’))
    for conditions on multiple languages (not tested, but it should work)

    Even better: instead of get_blog_list() use the suggested new function – wp_get_sites().

    See here

    And here

    Same here.

    I made a quick and dirty patch, here it is (works for me).
    Edit the file /wp-content/plugins/wpmubar/wpmubar.php, look for the function wp_list_sites (around line 85 in version 1.1 pro) and replace it with the following:

    function wp_list_sites($expires = 7200)
    		if (!is_multisite()) return false;
    		// Because the get_blog_list() function is currently flagged as deprecated
    		// due to the potential for high consumption of resources, we'll use
    		// $wpdb to roll out our own SQL query instead. Because the query can be
    		// memory-intensive, we'll store the results using the Transients API
    		if (false === ($site_list = get_transient('multisite_site_list'))) {
    			global $wpdb;
    			$site_list =  get_blog_list(); //$wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare('SELECT * FROM wp_blogs ORDER BY blog_id'));
    			// Set the Transient cache to expire every two hours
    			set_site_transient('multisite_site_list', $site_list, $expires);
    		$current_site_url = get_site_url(get_current_blog_id());
    		foreach ($site_list as $site) {
    			$class = (home_url() == $current_site_url) ? ' class="current-site-item"' : '';
    			$html[] = array("blog_id" => $site['blog_id'], "domain" => home_url(), "path" => "");
    		return $html;

    I just used the deprecated get_blog_list() function
    (WARNING: it is very resource intensive if you have a lot of sites), for some reason the plain query through $wpdb is returning an empty set.

    Then replace the occurrences of $site->blog_id with $site[‘blog_id’], as it is an array now (not an object)

    Caveat: as I said, it is a quick and dirty hack to make it work. Should be considered a temporary solution, being based on a deprecated function – a potential bottleneck for your multisite.

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