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  • in your wordpress directory, you should have a file called .htaccess, that is where you want to add the rules to.

    as far as apache on windows.. that will be hard one for me… i have always worked with apache on freebsd or linux. there should be some documentation on the site or on google.. you are looking to modify an apache config file.. mine is httpd.conf that I edit.

    I also use multiple vhosts so I am not sure where to tell you to edit.

    Someone else might be a better person to explain that to you, i am sorry ??

    this is a quick way to turn off directory listing off using .htaccess

    Update “.htaccess” file to root directory, with the directive “Options All -Indexes” inside the .htaccess file. This will prevent directory listings on all directories and subdirectories.

    You can also change it in your Apache httpd config

    if you want to change it so that .php files are default instead of .html

    change in your httpd config

    DirectoryIndex Directive
    Default: DirectoryIndex index.html

    DirectoryIndex Directive
    Default: DirectoryIndex index.php

    and restart apache

    more info can be found on

    many themes have a style.css that you can speficy the colours of links, fonts etc

    I don’t hold grudges. Grudges to me, like hate. is a useless emotion.

    I have found in the past, what one person considers a “must have” another does not consider must have, but that is because everyone has their own opinion.

    The ones I listed ARE the ones I consider “My” must have plugins, and “suggestions” were asked for. I can’t speak for everyone else, but I can “suggest” what I consider “My ‘must have’ plugins”. Just because they aren’t the same as yours does not make them “unnecessary”.

    Opinions are like ******* – you get it.. everone has one. Others also read the posts, and maybe someone else found some useful. You will notice pizdin_dim also added a list of the ones found “truely useful”.. and they might not be “your” list, but they are the ones pizdin_dim found useful.. in other words another suggestion.

    as for “generic footer” no, I cant live withouth it. It saved me hours and hours.. even days worth of work to print the same thing at the footer of every post isntead of doing it by hand. I have tried the same thing at the end of every post by hand and this is much easier, so out of the 40soemthing blogs I have built for people, everyone of them has used it..even if it was a different message under each post (some people prefer to have copyright info, some prefer to ahve a signature, some prefer to have an aend of file bug), so that is why I consider it must have.

    To each his own and don’t judge someone else wrong just because anothers opinions is not yours.

    are you hosting the site? The IIS or Apache or whatever webserver needs to be set to show no directory listing and also to read .php as default

    Try fixing the validation first

    Result: Failed validation, 21 errors

    tags that are left open or left out can cause this. If you look at the source of the page by right click / view source in your browser, you see it is there in IE, but IE doesnt display it because of the html errors

    I actually use this one

    I am not 100% sure about yours, but the way I am used to it is by deleting the old command

    < ?php wp_list_cats(); ?> and replacing it with the new one

    < ?php echo collapsing_category_menu(); ?>

    I dont know if the space between the < and the ? matters or not.

    According the the authors website on yours, you can use the arguements so the command you would replace the old one with would be

    <?php echo collapsing_category_menu collapsing_category_menu ( $root_id = 0, $order_by = 'cat_name', $order_dir = 'ASC', $css_li = 'page_item', $css_li_selected = 'current_page_item', $current_id = '' ); ?>

    unfortuntaely I am not as much help on this one as the one I use simply because I have used the other one more.

    Also, the end results I am used to seeing are if say you have the category of “accessories” and you have say “jewelry, bonnets and passies” as 3 sub categories under the main category or accessories, it will make it so you have to click on accessories to see the sub categories. I am still used to seeing the main category showing.

    For an example, on
    I have used it so when you click on “books” on the right it shows all the sub categories under books like Andrews, Computers, etc

    Silly question, but did you goto your plugins page and activate it too?

    you have some html code or php code that is incorrect. goto and work on correcting the html and there you should be able to fix it when the code is validated

    if you create a page, there should be a place on the right where you can choose a template. If you pull down, is there a template called archives? if so, use it and publish a blank page with that template then you can edit it however you want.

    or, you can create a template for a page , or there is a way to make a post with the archives

    here are some more ideas and how tos and there are also some plugins you can search for

    this should help get you started

    Do you mean like a post teaser plugin so it shwos only as many characters as you want it to on the page and then you click on it to read more?

    look in your wp-contents/themes/themename/style.css

    usually thefont style and colours are there

    Not a problem.. hope ot helped some. I really love fold categories and fold pages plugins! They have helped me a lot!

    deactivate all your plugins then try

    LTNS Nitallica! <hands Nitallica a War Eagle them for her site>

    <grins> Aleeya

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