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  • Nat


    Hi codepeople,

    Thanks for the clarification about anonymous users.

    In version 1.4.12 there is still the missing argument (“v” for view) in the GET to check that the calendar is modifiable (for authenticated users).

    In file cp-multi-view-calendar/DC_MultiViewCal/src/Plugins/multiview.js.


    While waiting for the official fix, I looked at the code and here is part of the fix, which allows successful add or delete but without feedback or the ability to edit the details. So you have to reload the page to see the changes.

    1. There is a missing argument (“v” for view) in the GET to check that the calendar is modifiable.
    Edit the file: cp-multi-view-calendar/DC_MultiViewCal/src/Plugins/multiview.js
    To add the “v” argument in the URLs (around line 205:

    url: DATA_FEED_URL + "&method=list&calid="+calendarId+"&v=",
    quickAddUrl: DATA_FEED_URL + "&month_index="+i18n.dcmvcal.dateformat.month_index+"&method=add&calid="+calendarId+"&v=",
    quickUpdateUrl: DATA_FEED_URL + "&method=update&calid="+calendarId+"&v=",
    quickDeleteUrl: DATA_FEED_URL + "&method=remove&calid="+calendarId+"&v=",

    2. The test to remove an event depends on another function that checks the view capability of WordPress – but view cap is only granted to logged in people.
    Edit the file: cp-multi-view-calendar/php/datafeed.php
    And comment the “exit;” line on cpmvc_confirm_basic function (line 85).

    This is a temporary and partial fix but it at least restores the editing of the agenda for the “add” and “delete” actions.

    Same here (everything is up to date)

    When trying to add Event as user, the answer to the POST request is : Error: {“IsSuccess”:false,”Msg”:”Access to edition not allowed.”}

    We have the same problem with this JS error:
    Uncaught InternalError: too much recursion



    I saw the warning and configured the mapping with WP roles using the new (beta) field.
    The restriction no longer works as expected, accounts with the defined role are still redirected as if they don’t have access.
    2 questions:
    Do you know when the next update will be?

    Which version should I go back to in order to still use the old way of synchronizing, in the meantime?

    Thread Starter Nat


    Hi Mikko,

    Thank you for the details.

    The filter relevanssi_post_title_before_tokenize do the job!
    (When I was trying using this the first time, I forget to use get_the_ID() and used $post->ID which is not defined to get the metadata.)

    In the custom field indexing setting, I set to “some” because just one field need to be indexed. The field is a relation field so I used the filter relevanssi_custom_field_value adapted from your documentation

    Then I rebuild the index. But when using the search form, I wasn’t able to find all the posts by related posts title – just some… Perhaps some incompatibility with woocommerce or elementor builder used in the website.

    When adding the custom field value to the post title on the search index, it works. The post and all related posts are found. So the solution is found.

    Thanks again for your reactive and helpful support.

    Thread Starter Nat


    Hi Mikko,

    I try to disable indexing the content with your indication.
    But it seems that when indexing content is disable even by this way, the hooks
    relevanssi_content_to_index or relevanssi_index_custom_fields or relevanssi_custom_field_value have no effect. It seems that the custom fields aren’t indexed. Is this possible?

    I need to use hook to index custom fields because it’s an ACF relationship content.

    Is there a way?

    For example, is there a hook to add something to title which is indexed?

    Thread Starter Nat


    Hi Andrea,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I did my own template to have what we need for this project.
    Thanks again for your work and share.

    Hi Andrea,
    Thanks for your very useful plugins.

    I have the same problem. Same as mathieu75, version 5.1 is ok.

    It seems it only occurred when using “legacy” template in BuddyPress settings.
    I set up the Profile Search Forms template with “members/bps-form-default”

    I also found the bug under Kleo theme (last version) – this theme only work with legacy buddpress template. I test under Twenty Seventeen, still not working.
    I’ll use your contact form to send a test website to see the issue.

    Thread Starter Nat


    It’s done. Ticket ID: 47236399925

    Thread Starter Nat



    I try with public and secret keys from recaptcha invisible. It doesnt work (same error message).

    With another plugin it works well.
    For eg. I use on to add reCaptcha on forgotten password page (

    Thread Starter Nat


    I just disable SSL and still have the error “error : Bad Request – Captcha validation error”
    I also try with default theme.
    Any other idea?
    Website is still under construction so I can give you an access to check if you need one.
    Thanx by advance for your reply

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Nat.
    Thread Starter Nat


    Thank you for your reply. I double checked the keys and the domain name in the limitation field, so I have no idea why it’s not working.

    Today there is a new warning in the Google reCaptcha dashboard for this website:

    “Nous avons détecté que votre site ne vérifiait pas les solutions fournies aux tests reCAPTCHA. Vous devez les vérifier afin d’utiliser correctement la fonctionnalité reCAPTCHA sur votre site.” (We have detected that your site does not check the solutions provided to the reCAPTCHA tests. You must check them to properly use the reCAPTCHA feature on your site.)

    Should it comes from https? From anything missing?

    Should I use another reCaptcha type (I used V2 checkbox)?

    Any idea?

    Thread Starter Nat


    I tried! but when i go to the “get help” link to create a new support ticket (here: it sais:

    Get Help is only available for users with an active calendar or WordPress plugin. If you have a WordPress plugin installed and are getting this message, be sure to sign in to the Timely Network found in the Settings page of your plugin.

    But i have no access to the settings page…

    Thread Starter Nat


    it was the same as here, “Re: [ Forums] Error 500 on Settings page”
    on 14.09.2017 at 17:03 and 15.09.2017 at 21:33

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