Eugene Holin
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] Exclude posts with tagHello, Daniel.
I have not tested this feature with WP 4.3, but as far as I know, in this update, there was nothing that would affect the operation of this feature.
I’ll check the compatibility and, if the case in WP 4.3 – try to fix the plugin.Andrew, I changed the link, but anyone can change the rating before clicking ‘Post’ ??
Thanks for the feedback, your words inspire me to further improvements ??
If you like my plugin, please rate it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] php include code?Hello!
Thanks for the feedback! To insert shortcode into theme files you need to use do_shortcode function.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] Plans to offset?Hello!
Sorry for the long answer. This feature will be available in the next version of the plugin, I’m working on it now. I’m going to release the new version in next week.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] Responsive Images CollaspingHello!
There are many errors in html: unclosed tags, incorrect head settings etc…
Maybe problem with the plugin occurs by reason of this errors. What theme do you use?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] No responsive grid on Virtue Premium themeHello!
Thanks for your feedback!
As I can see, there is the problem with compatibility of your theme and Masonry. Unfortunately, I can’t do something with this, because I can’t download this theme and find the reason of this problem. I need to change some CSS rules and reload scripts, this is not possible with Developer Tools – after reload page all changes in styles are reset.Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] Pretty useful… but…Ссылка на главную добавляется скриптом, строка 1125. К моему плагину этот скрипт отношения не имеет.
По поводу высоты я уже ответил ранее – уберите её из шорткода и высота будет определяться браузером по контенту. Вот эту часть уберите: height=”400″
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] display category of the postHello, Dillon!
Thanks for the feedback! Nice idea, I’ll make this feature in one of the following versions of the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] Remove post title from shortcode versionHello!
This option does not exist. This feature will be available in one of the following versions of the plugin with Layout Builder.
Large images in the grid display featured posts. Just edit your post and find below post editor window section ‘Advanced Recent Post Options’, then set this post as featured.
This layout is not supported by the plugin yet. But in one of the next major versions of the plugin will be available custom layout editor and you can create your own layout.
Thank you for the feedback!
Do you want to display grid with big Featured Images and fixed cells height, like in the demo? Or something else?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] fonts and layout of titles totally messed upSorry, but I get message ‘The link has been expired!’
I think, this problem have the same reason and the same solution as previous.
Just find style with ‘position: relative;’ in DOM with Firebug or other developer tool and disable it.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Recent Posts] fonts and layout of titles totally messed upHello!
This problem is occurs because your theme override the plugin styles. Open file, comment
in the string #311 and the plugin will work fine.