I also needed, I searching on web about it and not found anything, so I’ve read the Simple Gallery code for understand how I can this, and below the instructions:
To get the images id use
<?php $ids = get_meta_post ( $post->ID, 'wpsimplegallery_gallery'); ?>
With the ids, you can get what you want, examples:
To get the url (on media) of the first image
<?php $url = wp_get_attachment_url ( $ids[0] ); ?>
To get the generic thumb
<?php the_attachment_link ( $ids[0] ); ?>
To get the first 4 images
$images = array();
for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$images[$i] = wp_get_attachment_image_src ( $ids[$i], array(320,160) );
// 320, 160 = width, height or name of your thumb
Hope this helps, I you need I am available.