Forum Replies Created
The addition of !important does not solve the problem in our Twenty Seventeen theme installation.
I found the solution in the Woocommerce Development Blog > Theme Supuport:
WooCommerce Development Blog > 3.3 Image Size Improvements > Theme SupportSolution is to declare image sizes via the add_theme_support function. Following is the code I used:
// WC change image size add_theme_support( 'woocommerce', array( 'thumbnail_image_width' => 450, 'single_image_width' => 600, ) );
The recommended CSS modification above does not fix the layering issue. I tested in multiple browsers and on both PC & Mac. In all cases the FooGallery Album layers on top of the theme sticky nave dropdown menus.
Per your request I have inserted the same album on the home page … twice.
– In the upper instance the album is inserted using shortcode in the standard content area of the home page. In this case, the gallery links are incorrect and call up the default blog page error.
– In the lower instance the album is inserted instead using the WP Page created for the album (title = “portfolio”) in the Twenty Seventeen customization dashboard “Appearance > Customize > Theme Options > Front Page Section.” In this case, the gallery links work as they should.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Full-width WooCommerce pages in Twenty SeventeenThat did the trick. Following is the working CSS. The 1st and 2nd lines remove the sidebar. The 3rd line stretches the primary content to full page width.
.woocommerce-page #primary { width: 100%; } .woocommerce-page #secondary { display: none; } .has-sidebar.woocommerce-page:not(.error404) #primary { width: 100%; }
Thank you!
I am having a related issue with UM and Elementor in the Twenty Seventeen Theme. For example, the UM shortcode on the Members Directory page [ultimatemember form_id=345] is only visible in the default WP editor. When I switch to the Elementor edit screen, the shortcode is no longer visible and the Elementor section itself is hidden and only revealed on mouseover. If I attempt to add an Elementor section above or below the UM section, it defaults to an Elementor 2-column layout which cannot be changed. Elementor works as expected on WP pages without UM shortcode, but it doesn’t behave on pages that contain UM shortcode.
Duh! I had not. Fixed now. Thank you!
Let me state it another way. Your plugin has a feature whereby it incorporates/enhances Bing Search results with the built-in WP search function. The default behavior is to implement this enhancement when the plugin knows it is searching its own url. If the plugin is searching an external url, then the search results only include what is coming in from Bing. We had to trick the plugin into thinking it was searching an external site.
No matter. We are no longer using the plugin because we have abandoned Bing Search altogether.
/* if ( $site_post_id > 0 ) { $post = get_post( $site_post_id ); } else { */ $post_id = - abs( self::$counter ); $post = new stdClass(); $post->ID = $post_id; $post->post_author = 0; $post->post_date = null; $post->post_date_gmt = null; $post->post_modified = null; $post->post_modified_gmt = null; $post->post_title = $bing->name; $post->post_content = $bing->snippet; $post->post_excerpt = $bing->snippet; $post->post_status = 'publish'; $post->comment_status = 'closed'; $post->ping_status = 'closed'; $post->post_name = sanitize_title( $bing->name ); $post->post_type = 'post'; $post->filter = 'raw'; $post->guid = $url; /* } */
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Bing Custom Search for WordPress] Search results for PDF pagesWe have not figured this out. Bing native output for PDF pages displays with a [PDF] prefix. This prefix does not appear in the Bing Plugin output. Ideally, the consumer should know whether they are clicking a link to a web page vs a PDF page.
The search output looks OK now because the plugin thinks it is indexing an external site rather than a local site. We accomplished this by commenting out the bit of plugin code that identifies the local site. When the local site search is enabled, the output dumps useless gobbledygook into the page descriptions that it picks up from slider titles and other elements. For example, on one page that has a multi-slider with text positioned above the fold, the plugin ignores the page meta-description and main content and instead displays the slider titles and labels which make no sense as a page description.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Storefront] Header title tagline (left) and logo image (right)I made some progress. Rather than use the Storefront theme logo feature, I set up the logo as the header background and added “no-repeat” to style.css:
.site-header { background-repeat: no-repeat; }
Now I would like the background image to float/align to the right. Any suggestions?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Storefront] Change Additional Information Tab and TitleWorks great! Thank you!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Storefront] Change Additional Information Tab and TitleCREATION OF A NEW TAB WILL NOT WORK. It is important that I preserve the “Additional Information” tab function, as I am using “attributes” fields for “Where to buy” information.
CHILD THEME. I am already using a simple child theme. (FYI, your link to a child theme returns a 404 error.)
CHANGE TAB LABEL. As mentioned in my original post, I have already changed the Additional Information tab label with this code:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_rename_tabs', 98 ); function woo_rename_tabs( $tabs ) { $tabs['additional_information']['title'] = __( 'Where to buy' ); // Rename the additional information tab return $tabs; }
CHANGE <H2> TITLE: I need to replace the text <h2>Additional Information</h2> to <h2>Where to buy</h2> within the tab content area. How can this be done?