Forum Replies Created
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Frontier] Adjust Featured Image HeightRon Angelo… I think the question/problem may need to be rephrased. The issue isn’t image size. It is image crop. Can the setting be changed from crop to contain?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Manager] Latest update deleted plugin?I don’t have the free version. I just downloaded and installed 4.7.3 manually. Twice. As you said, it did not harm the data. But there are 4 addons; WPDM – Extended Short-codes, WPDM – Image Button, WPDM – TinyMce Button, and WPDM Page Template that are calling for updates. When I try to do that by clicking the Update Now link, the main Download Manager plugin is somehow uninstalled.
It is now working and the client has done a mass email campaign. So for now I won’t update the addons. I’ll wait and try again at a time more appropriate for them.
Thanks for your follow-up.
I thought I did but evidently not. The error is present on my desktop and mobile phone as well as my client’s laptop. But we are frequent backend users. Others I’ve asked are reporting as you are. Thanks for your help.
Thanks for you diligence to this issue.
So the problem appears to occur with the http: to https: redirect.
What do you(s) get with
It is not a plugin but it could be a browser cache of sorts. I only use Edge to test for compatibility issues. It only appears on the www. redirect.
What do you(s) get?
Version 2.5.16 produces a redirect to the wp-admin page on Chrome and Firefox. It doesn’t seem to redirect on Microsoft Edge. Major problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Local Search SEO Contact Page] Double up plugin in admin areaI am having the same trouble with the 404 error returned when trying to update the options. I am using version 2.0.7.
I cannot run this plugin. As soon as I click the save options I got a 404 error page. Surprisingly, the long URL shows the WP folder twice. I can get back to the panel to verify that all the previously entered data is gone. I deleted it and installed the last version twice, but getting the same results again. Time lost and frustration.
similar error… upgraded from 3.4.2
I had the same problem. If the Bot switch on the upper right side of the control panel page on acobot.com (after you are logged in) is not turned on the chat window will not appear on your site. I found this through the process of elimination. It would be helpful if that instruction was included in the readme.txt file of the plugin.
I’ve officially removed myself from Shane’s moocher list by purchasing the pro version. Lots of new and exciting features but it didn’t solve any of the upgrade problems. Heckuva way to sell plugins. Insert premature update release in the loop without ample notice that the update changes content/paths from regular posts to custom post taxonomies. The Event Calendar 2.0 is a new plugin not an upgrade. It should not have been pushed through the loop unless clearly communicated that it was a major update.
I purchase and support a lot of plugins, themes, etc. I get what you say, Shane. I’ve worked for free or little support as well. Let me give you an example: What value do I give my client when my work is fixing someone’s premature release motivated to sell an addon? Not much and I don’t bill for time without value.
Moochers work in mysterious ways.
@jonas. The “broken” I am referring to is mostly display related. The default template breaks out of the theme, an inherent problem with the plugin. I am using ithemes builder theme on the site in question.
The upcoming events function returns “no upcoming events” when the list tab is selected in the calendar view. The upcoming events show in the widget, however.
@shane. Thanks for your work and for you paying attention here. I will likely purchase your pro version as the improvements are dramatic and your free version is the best calendar plugin available for.my purposes, Annual licensing sounds a bit microsoftish. Charge me for an upgrade. I am fine with that. But if the plugin ceases to function without license renewal that won’t work.
@jonas, it was near the footer of The Events Calendar settings. I clicked it and the events data reappeared but the plugin is still broken. I’d assume since you reverted and the data was restored the problem is strictly path related.
I think I’ll resist my urge to fix the problem by buying the pro version and do as you did and revert. There appears to be some really nice added features but there should have been more effort notifying users of such a major upgrade. A forum post is not sufficient. A warning in the control panel would have been more considerate.
When an upgrade includes such major reconfigurations better communications is needed.
It appears that after bugfixes this plugin has been improved dramatically and I appreciate that work. But the update release was premature and/or poorly communicated.
I did find the migration notice in the settings and the events were restored but theme adaptations and possible plugin conflicts are a major concern.
Maybe I should have waited on the migration until reading this string. I hope there is a more complete update in the very near future.