Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Church] Good BUT HEADER IMAGE NOT DISPLAYINGTheme is broken for everyone regarding header image issues. This started a month ago and no successful fix has been issued.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Church] Sudden header Image Issue in WP 4.4His post about the new fixed version was a month ago. No fix yet.
Church was updated Dec 12th. Seems that was the update that was supposed to fix the issue. As others stated here, they tried that update to no avail.
I looked at other forums and it looks like his other child themes also suffered the same problem. Must have been a problem with a standard code he used for all his themes. In the other forums it looks like fixes were issued and the problem resolved.
I don’t know why this hasn’t happened for the Church theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Church] Sudden header Image Issue in WP 4.4Same issue here!!!!!!!
My header is gone!!!
Now on each post, the header is replaced by that post’s featured image.
I need my header to appear on EVERY page AND post just like it always has before it broke.
This is terrible. It has rendered my beautiful site into an ugly mess.
Please fix ASAP.
It also logs these pages:
[No page title found]Visits: 9,036/wp-login.php
[No page title found]Visits: 1,108https://chessedwards.com/wp-login.php/
Nope. I’ve not modified the login url at all.
Pretty standard. I don’t understand why it keeps recording the hits on my standard login page
1 – [No page title found]Visits: 9,266https://chessedwards.com/wp-login.php
Yes, it was an error in the exclusion ip list.
I didn’t realize the a simple error of an extra / would then exclude everything.
Actually looks like Sept 25th was the last day that data was collected.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Church] Category heading fontYes, that was it. Thank you!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Church] Remove tags, comments from front page onlyDid you ever find a solution to this?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Church] Remove "Posted on" and "posted in" from home pageDid you find a solution to this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Custom Headers] Adds 2nd header under primary headerRight on Nick. That was it. So simple.
This way the header that I want across my site will appear except on the pages where I implement this code and then use the featured images as the header instead.
Brilliant in its simplicity.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Custom Headers] Adds 2nd header under primary headerNick, I have a possible idea. Not at all sure if it can be implemented.
It seems that in my choices for where to put the header I can’ choose to simply replace the site header with the featured image.
I know that you can’t create a filter that will be applicable to every theme and child theme.
but can you include a text area where we might be able to write in the code that we know works for our theme?
For example, using Dynamik I want to use the featured image to completely replace the site image. I think that the code for the site image is .site-header
So, perhaps an option to replace and then a text box to input “.site-header.
Again, I have no idea if that is doable, but perhaps?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Custom Headers] Adds 2nd header under primary headerThans Nick,
I’m so close to getting this to work. The only thing I can’ figure out is the exact coed for my theme to not display the site header on singular posts and pages, but display it everywhere else.
Using the Dynamik child theme for Genesis, I know that the site header is called out as: .site-header
But I can’t figure out the code for the add action and function.
I think that if I could just get the site header to stop showing up on the singular pages, then I could use your plugin to put my custom header images on all my singular pages and posts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Custom Headers] Adds 2nd header under primary headerHey Nick,
I was out of town for a few days. Unfortunately we’re still not quite resolved.
What I mean by header is the header image I chose to show up site wide. The Genesis theme has the function laity to choose either the “Header” or a “Header Image”. I have selected the setting to use a Header Image and then chose the image from my media library.
Perhaps your plugin is only coded to work with a standard header and not a header image. They are two different things and the user has the option to choose to use a header (with the site name and description) or a header image chosen from the media library.
It might be cool to modify the plugin to that instead of only adding to a header, it can replace a header image that has been set to show site wide.
This was baked into the old twenty eleven theme I was using. One chooses a header image to show site wide. But on individual pages or pasts one simply checks a box that says, Use the featured image INSTEAD of the default image on this page. That leaves the default image in tact across the site except on the pages what one checks that box.
That’s what I assumed this plugin would do rather than add to the current header image.
Does this provide any more insight that may help find a solution?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Genesis Custom Headers] Adds 2nd header under primary headerHi,
I am sure that the code to enable the header on only archive pages (all archive pages with a single setting) is generic to the Genesis theme.
Might you know that code. It is something around a conditional that says:
if it isn’t an archive page, then remove the header. Then all pages would have the header removed except the archive pages. The archive pages are the pages that show all the posts under a specific category.
If you can help, that’s great. If I’m asking for something that is beyond your knowledge, I totally understand.
I did find this page that may help me out.
https://wpsites.net/web-design/remove-header/Sorry that my coding is quite rudimentary. I think that you were close to it in the code you kindly provided up top.
Also, I’m Curious how your plugin functions on other genesis themes. Does this issue of your plugin creating double headers not an issue with most themes? I’d imagine that in most themes you designate a header to populate across your site. How does your plugin not then double up headers in those themes like it is doing in mine?