Extend Themes
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Materialis] Support non-existantHello @thepaddycaddy,
We’ve received your email letting us know that the CSS snippet we’ve provided you with resolved the issue and we’re very happy to hear that this is the case.
Taking into consideration the fact that this was most likely caused by one of the plugins installed on your website, and that it was resolved using the snippet our support team has provided you with, we would kindly ask you to reconsider the review you have left us.
Do not hesitate to get in touch with us again should you require any further assistance.
We wish you a lovely day ahead!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Materialis] Support non-existantHello @thepaddycaddy,
Firstly we’d like to extend an apology for the misunderstanding regarding the WooCommerce templates update issue.
We are constantly updating our products to make sure that they continue to work as expected, thus you can rest assured that the desynchronization between the WooCommerce templates and our theme templates should not affect the proper functionality of your website.
As stated in the last email we’ve sent you, we have looked into your website further and we may have been able to find a solution to your issue. We would kindly ask you to add this CSS snippet in your Customizer > General Settings > Additional CSS:
.single .woocommerce-page-content.no-title.col-sm {
max-width: 100%;
.widget.widget_block {
max-width: 100%;
.wp-block-jetpack-tiled-gallery {
max-width: 100%;
[data-widget=”second_box_widgets”] {
max-width: 100%;
.pswp.pswp–open {
z-index: 100000;
}Please let us know if the CSS snippet above resolved the issue for you.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Highlight] Menu on the top page’s not showing properlyHello @emipanman,
Thank you for letting us know that the issue was resolved. Be sure to let us know if you require any further assistance.
We wish you a lovely day ahead!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Mesmerize] space issue between lines of articleHello @reekahaq,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your issue.
We’ve checked, however your website you have linked appears to have been built using Elementor, rather than our theme, Mesmerize, thus we would kindly ask you to get in touch with Elementor’s support team for further assistance with your issue.
Thank you for your understanding. We wish you a lovely day ahead!
Hello @jordi00113,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your issue.
This is a known issue and we plan to resolve it in a future update. For the time being you will have to manually add alt attributes to your images using Classic Editor’s code editor. Please see the video below that demonstrates how to do so:
https://bit.ly/3eLFOyRBe sure to let us know if you have any more questions.
We wish you a lovely day ahead!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Colibri WP] Post title not visibleHello, Thank you for reaching out to us. Given that you are a pro user of our product I would kindly ask you to get in touch with us via the contact form below in order to reach a solution to your issue more swiftly. https://colibriwp.com/#support We’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [One Page Express] Footer column widthHello,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
Given that you are a pro user of our product I would kindly ask you to get in touch with us via the contact form below in order to reach a solution to your issue more swiftly.
https://onepageexpress.com/#supportWe’re looking forward to hearing from you!
Hello @batuhanozyurt,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your queries.
To transfer the design of a page to another you can either duplicate the page or create a reusable section from a section that already exists on a page, which you can then drag and drop on your new page.
Please see the video below that demonstrates how to duplicate a page:
https://bogdanc.tinytake.com/msc/NjMzMDMyMl8xODY5OTYwNwPlease also see the video below that demonstrates how to create a reusable section:
https://bogdanc.tinytake.com/msc/NjMzMDMzNF8xODY5OTY1MAAs for the blog post issue, I would kindly ask you to provide us with a link to your blog page in order for us to be able to look into this further.
We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
Hello @antonionkt,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your query.
If your subscription expires you’ll still be able to use the PRO theme but you will not receive updates or support if you do not renew it.
Please keep in mind that WordPress is an ever-evolving platform and updates are happening often. When WordPress releases a major update most of the plugins should also be updated to continue working with the latest version. Without an active license the Colibri Page Builder will not update to the latest version and might not work properly in the future. This is why we have created the renewal system for our products. We wanted to ensure compatibility with the WordPress updates, besides the features and bug fixes that we release.
If you have any more questions feel free to get in touch with our support team using the form below:
https://colibriwp.com/#supportI wish you a lovely day ahead!
Hello @mahesh901122,
Thank you for your feedback and your interest in Kubio.
Currently, we limited the support of the Kubio Page Builder to the Elevate theme, which is specifically developed to enable full site editing experience in the current WordPress version. You can find it listed here https://www.ads-software.com/themes/elevate-wp/
We are working to remove this limitation as soon as possible and enable support for any third-party theme and, we think this feature will be ready sometime around the WordPress 5.9 release. Meanwhile, we will keep in mind your suggestion and, we will try to add it in the next update
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Colibri WP] Estropea toda la instalaciónHola,
Le pido disculpas por la mala experiencia que está teniendo con nuestro producto.
?Podría, por favor, darme algunos detalles sobre lo que pasó? Por ejemplo, cuál fue el error y qué estaba haciendo cuando sucedió.
Colibri nunca eliminaría sus páginas, así que estoy seguro de que podemos recuperar su contenido.
Indíquenos algunos detalles y haremos todo lo posible para corregirlo.
Traduje este mensaje con Google Translate, así que disculpe cualquier error. Puede encontrar a continuación el original en inglés.
Horea Radu
Co-fundador y CEO @ Extend ThemesHi,
I apologise for the bad experience you are having with our product.
Could you, please, give me a few details about what happened? For example what the error was and what you were doing when it happened.
Colibri would never delete your pages so I’m quite sure we can recover your content.
Please give us a few details and we will try our best to rectify this.
Best regards,
Horea Radu
Co-founder and CEO @ Extend ThemesForum: Reviews
In reply to: [Colibri WP] Very bad customer supportHello @fab974,
Can you please confirm that the issue is resolved?
As I mentioned in the previous email we were not able to identify your ticket on our systems, and we want to make sure that your issue is solved.
To achieve a result similar to the second link you have provided us with please add the CSS snippet below in your Customizer > General Settings > Additional CSS.
.page-id-807 #custom > div > form.woocommerce-ResetPassword { font-size: 15px!important; box-sizing: border-box!important; padding: 20px!important; border-radius: 5px!important; border: 2px solid rgb(211, 206, 210)!important; } .page-id-807 input#user_login { font-size: 1rem!important; height: 2.5rem!important; border: none!important; } .page-id-807 form button.woocommerce-Button.button { background-color: #303e7a!important; color: #fff!important; font-size: 12px!important; font-family: 'Open Sans'!important; font-weight: 600!important; padding: 12.8px 24px!important; }
Be sure to let us know if it achieved the desired result and if you require any further assistance.
I wish you a lovely day ahead!
Hello @mariosuper1342,
Thank you for reaching out to us with your inquiry.
It is the expected behavior that when you add content using a third party plugin to a page it will come with its own markup and styling rules that are associated with the product that was used to create it. This markup is separate from that of Colibri, and thus you will not be able to edit it in our Customizer as its markup will not be understood.
You can work around this limitation and style elements that have not been created using Colibri by adding your own CSS rules to style them. You can add your CSS in our Customizer > General Settings > Additional CSS.
If you require any assistance with styling your website using CSS I would kindly ask you to provide us with a link to your website and more information on the modifications you want to make in order for us to be able to further assist.
If you are a pro user of Colibri we’d kindly ask you to get in touch with us using the contact form linked below:
https://colibriwp.com/#supportThank you for your understanding. I wish you a lovely day ahead!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Colibri WP] Very bad customer supportHello @fab974,
During the checkout process, you have the option to choose if you want your license to auto-renew or not. In your case, the auto-renew option was enabled, and that’s why you were charged.
Also, after the purchase is completed an email with the order details and a link to manage the order ( that allows modifying the subscription auto-renew option ) is sent by FastSpring ( our payment processor ).
That email also contains information about the next charge date ( as you can see in this example: https://www.screencast.com/t/T9WEYL0p ).Unfortunately, we were unable to identify the support ticket you’ve opened in our system, but my colleagues have processed all the tickets opened over the weekend.
If you still did not receive an answer, please contact us directly at [email protected] and provide us with the purchase details to identify your order as we always refund unwanted renewals, no questions asked.