Forum Replies Created
Thank You! That is exactly it.
Hi, I get the automated. That feature would be nice! We will probably upgrade just for that.
BUT WHAT WE REALLY NEED is to be able to send a Customized Email Message, specific to each Event. Can we do that??
The custom part would include several lines of HTML text for a Webinar Link and Conference Phone Number only good for that Event.
What would be really sweet is if we could preload ‘custom reminder text’ PER EVENT in advance and then have automated emails send a reminder with custom text. Also for the reminder to cc the admin…so we know it was sent and also have the webinar links for ourselves. :-)) Thank you. Great Plugin!!
Hi – Thank you. We are happy to upgrade to Pro as we really like Event Manager. However I want to check one thing. We do not want just ‘automated emails’ to go out to people booked. An automated ‘reminder’ would be great, however for us, our events are webinar classes. Therefore, we need to be able to also send an email where we write the text ourselves or at least include information unique to that event, in our case a webinar link.
What would be really nice is if Events Manager hooked in with Email Users. The Email Users Plugin is available in all posts, including Events. If these Plugins ‘talked’ we could press Email Users within the Event and have the ability to email all of our users about the event, which we do often and can now, or just the users booked, which we do manually right now before each class. Thank you, Elysa
OH…right. I will email them and let them know. Thank you!
Hi – In your email you said go to General Tab, General Options and uncheck comments. There is no comments setting there. I do see a comments radio button in Settings Tab, Pages, Event Pages. That is unchecked. I have unchecked comments in all Event pages. (I have even tried enabling comments in Settings and then checking/saving, then unchecking/saving comments in each individual event. Nada. I still have comment box showing on random events with nothing I can seem to do to get rid of it. Any more ideas?
Yay! That totally did the trick! Sheesh, I knew there was a setting somewhere. Thank you SO much for helping me find it. :-))
Hi – There is no error. You can display the EM settings page, but when you click on any option line nothing happens. For example, when you first go into settings the General Tab is showing. If I click on the first option line ‘General Options’ nothing at all happens. You cannot click on anything and get into any settings page. Hope that helps!
Thank you! That did the trick. :-)) Is there anyway that I can ‘choose’ the sidebars for EM Pages?
#_ATTENDEESLIST this place holder is better if you don’t want to display avatars. Works great. Place in EM, Formatting, Events, Default single event format.
I would like that too. That is exactly what I am trying to figure out right now. I need to be able to list all events by ‘instructor’.
Hi – I had the same problem too. You can look at my ‘beginning’ calendar to see how I solved it. https://www.expsoft.com/classes. If this works for you, here is what I did: I added the Widget Events to the Pages Sidebar. That will show ALL Events. You can order them how you want. For ours, I wanted a better order so I separated mine by Category by adding a separate Events widget for each category.
Hi aglonwl – Thank you so much for your reply. The first two items worked perfectly. I am very excited as that is a lot nicer looking calendar. :))
For starting Calendar on Sunday, when I look in WP Settings>General there is NO checkbox for ‘Week Starts On’. Is there any other place it might be?