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  • Gotta correct Lorelle’s link, it should be;

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Change Login Look

    You’ll need to adjust the files in your wp-admin folder to change the login page. This will also further change the whole admin area, unless you do some major editing.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Make me Witty

    Where is your Witty.txt file located? Do you have it in the plugins folder?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Make me Witty

    I make use of mine in the header
    <p id="witty"><?php witty(); ?></p>
    and that’s the code that works for me.
    I’m sure you could put it in the sidebar, you’d just have to follow your sidebars outline. ie.
    <ul><li>PUT WITTY HERE</li></ul>
    or something like that.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Make me Witty

    I just have to pop in and say I use Witty as well, and I really, really like it. It could use more / better documentation, but it’s so simple it makes it a breeze once you get the hang of it. You can also use code on / within each line of Witty, which really leaves room for unique unusual things to be done.

    Forum: Your WordPress
    In reply to: Review Part 2
    Thread Starter f1_error


    God help me, some days I’m just not that bright. I ask for a review, but neglect to post a url.

    I like it, it glows. Nothing wrong with pink.
    I’m just not too sure about looking at those vertical lines for too long. It almost makes me sea-sick, it’s casting some kind of optical illusion. But maybe it’s just my bad eyes.

    Thread Starter f1_error


    Thanks tzar I really appreciate the feedback. Hopefully others will feel the same way.

    BTW congrats on the new PB, you’ll probably qualify a free Tiger upgrade, so be sure to jump on that.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Really need help

    I can see two things that may help out, they may not fix it, but they certainly won’t hurt.
    Replace all your & with & a m p ; -no spaces- in your content, but not the code.
    Also, your < small > tags don’t seem to be closing. I don’t know why this is, but I’m going to guess that if you have a small tag -content- and small tag -content- etc and so on, your text will get smaller. Thus the cascade effect podz refers to.

    Thread Starter f1_error


    woohooblog: Thanks for the kind comments here and at my blog. I like the look as well. I just think I can make the colors blend a little better and make it so most everyone likes it. I don’t want people to leave because they don’t like the layout, and I’m in no rush, I can keep tweaking this until it’s nearly perfect. Of course if lots more people were to post they liked the scheme, I’d prbably leave things alone (except for the two minor items I’ve mentioned in the blog). I will be keeping with the same Green/Blue and Purple/Yellow colors, so that won’t change much.

    Thread Starter f1_error


    Jedyt: I see and understand what you are saying about the nav bar, and now that you’ve pointed it out, it bugs me as well. Tomorrow I’ll try altering it to blend more. I’m done for today.

    pauljohns: I’m a little leary of adding too much ‘graphical style’ since this is already busy enough as is with the colors. But starting tomorrow, I’m going to work at re-doing the scheme a bit, and I’ll see what I can do about adding more ‘pop’ and lose the flatness. As well as make the colors flow a bit better.

    Over at the blog, the ability to preview comments before posting was mentioned. Does anyone know of a plugin or hack that would allow this? It’s a good idea.

    And if there are any more comments or thoughts about my blog, I’d love to hear them before I start tearing it up.

    Thread Starter f1_error


    I’ll address the color issues in a moment, but first;
    Lorelle: Good catch on the black text vs. navy blue. That was something I missed.
    I had been wondering about adding a dot to the ‘i’ in the Gomi header. I’ll add that and update it soon.
    I do have some validation issues, and I just can’t seem to get them to resolve. I’ll keep picking at it like a week-old scab until I can get it right, but any suggestions would be most welcome.
    Jedyt: The nav bar has grown on me. I think it will be useful once multiple authors and other content is added. It was a part of the orginal theme I’ve since noticed that MacManX puts it to good use on his site and I’ll do something simillar to these two when content is finally added.
    Pauljohns: I’m an utter and comlete newb when it comes to CSS. (I had thought I was getting away from newbie status, but I’ve since learned better.) Can you give some examples/pointers to what you mean about putting time into CSS?

    Now for colors-
    The color scheme is what I have to work with. But alterations can be done.
    The choice of colors is based on Fun&Jolly (there is more to it than that, but I don’t feel like writing a novel), I was trying to use these colors to convey that feeling, but it doesn’t seem to have worked for the most part.
    The scheme that has to be stuck to is, Primary Colors: Green and Blue – Secondary Colors: Purple and Yellow
    I can easily change the graphics and mess around with combinations and choices. That isn’t a big problem. So does anyone have any ideas on how to send the idea of fun and joy with this color scheme? (I would like to keep the Dark Green background, I’ve grown attached to it.)

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: css Issue
    Thread Starter f1_error


    The css code is on about line 198 of stlye.css. It’s not ‘foo’ as I used in the example above, it’s postmetadata. Sorry about that confusion. I was only using foo as an example.

    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: css Issue
    Thread Starter f1_error


    Forum: Themes and Templates
    In reply to: css Issue
    Thread Starter f1_error

    It’s still a work in progress (obviously).

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