Forum Replies Created
Hi wfyann,
the IPv6 Support in enabled. The web site is hosted on our dedicated server, so i have any priviliges.
Can you have other suggestion ?
I have same issue, but only on one server.
I have two servers with same OS: CentOS Linux 6.8.
Same WordPress version: WordPress 4.5.1
Same Wordfence version:6.1.8Only on second server and only on one of the 6 wordpress installation i have: inet_pton(): Unrecognized address … wfUtils.php on line 236 on my apache log errors.
Why ?
I’m under attack ?
I’m crazing…Many Thanks
Hi roblagatta,
i tested your solution (changing priority level on filter orderby), but without success. Same unordered events list.
Thanks roblagatta. My simple solution is only for temporary and emergency use.
I don’t know the real solution, i think it neededd deep code knowledge.
We waiting for definite resolution.Best regards
To temporary solve all problem on all pages, yuo can modify only the file: the-events-calendar\lib\tribe-event-query.class.php.
You need to comment the if section on function dateOrderBy in this mode:public static function dateOrderBy($order_sql, $cur_query) { //if( $cur_query->get( 'orderby' ) == 'event_date' ) { $direction = $cur_query->get( 'order' ); $order_sql = "DATE(eventStart.meta_value) $direction, TIME(eventStart.meta_value) $direction"; //} return $order_sql; }
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So all visualization are in event start order (ASC mode)
For developers: seems, on $cur_query variable, not content the orderby fild, so bypass the if section.
Sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand all.
Hey uwest. My code writed to work correctly only in the widget.
OK, i temporary solve.
Modified file …lib\the-events-calendar.class.phpAdded rows from 1910 to 1924, on function getEvents, this is the new code of the function:
public function getEvents( $args = ” ) {
$tribe_ecp = TribeEvents::instance();
$defaults = array(
‘posts_per_page’ => get_option( ‘posts_per_page’, 10 ),
‘post_type’ => TribeEvents::POSTTYPE,
‘orderby’ => ‘event_date’,
‘order’ => ‘ASC’
/*——— Funzione modificata by Faber ——–*/
$upcoming = array(
‘orderby’ => ‘meta_value’,
‘meta_key’ => ‘_EventStartDate’,
‘order’ => ‘ASC’,
‘meta_key’ => ‘_EventStartDate’,
‘meta_value’ => date(“Y-m-d”),
‘meta_compare’ => ‘>=’,
);if (strpos(strval($args), ‘upcoming’) > 0) {
$args = str_replace(‘upcoming’,”,$args);
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $upcoming);
/*——— Fine Funzione modificata by Faber ——–*/
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults);
return TribeEventsQuery::getEvents($args);
}I waiting real definitive bug solution.
I have same problem, on wordpress 3.1.2.
Same problem on the widget too. The order is posting date and not EventStartDate.
I search the error, and i think is on “tribe-event-query.class.php” file, on execution of setUpcomingDisplayTypeArgs funciont, on row 135.
I hope this help you on bug search.Bye
Si l’incendio è spento.
In parte ho risolto, nel senso che ora la cache si cancella, ma è come se il plugin desse una seconda serie di cancellazioni della cache che ritornano il messaggio “is currently not cached” su ogni riga.
Il primo problema era nella chiave con cui andava a cercare il file cachato.
In pratica all’interno dell’istruzione
location ~ /purge(/.*)Inserendo questa riga non funziona
proxy_cache_purge staticfilecache $scheme://$host$1;
Questa riga l’avevo presa da file di configurazioni presentati in rete nei forum di nginxmentre inserendo questa funziona
proxy_cache_purge staticfilecache $host$1$is_args$args;Ho anche un’altro problema, del quale ho trovato pochissimi riferimenti in rete, ovvero nginx ogni tanto mi segnala nel logfile questo errore:
“stalled cache updating”Hai idea a cosa è dovuto?