Fabio Lobo
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timelinda] Timeline no longer taking turns left/rightThank you for using my plugin ??
Since the issue is solved, I’m closing the topic.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Timelinda] Timeline no longer taking turns left/rightHey @kasperdalkarl! How are you doing?
In the last update, we just fixed a link in the Plugins panel. There was no change in the timeline structure.
On the other hand, there are some p tags in your code that are causing this bug.
Original: https://prnt.sc/10i77ar
Without p tags: https://prnt.sc/10i77hzSolution: I recommend that you remove the break lines from your post.
[timeline_event title="Your title" subtitle="Your subtitile"]Your text here![/timeline_event] [timeline_event title="Your title" subtitle="Your subtitile"]Your text here![/timeline_event]
Or even:
[timeline_event title="Your title" subtitle="Your subtitile"]Your text here![/timeline_event][timeline_event title="Your title" subtitle="Your subtitile"]Your text here![/timeline_event]
[timeline_event title="Your title" subtitle="Your subtitile"]Your text here![/timeline_event] [timeline_event title="Your title" subtitle="Your subtitile"]Your text here![/timeline_event]
I hope this helps!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Timelinda] setting errorHey @ikssn
Sorry about that ;\
It’s fixed now. Let me know if you want to try again, even though it’s been almost a month since your review (it’s been a busy year).
Thank you for reporting this error!
@gijo Thanks! In that specific case the keyword “cdn” was the best option (lazy who?).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Checkout Transparente do PayPal] Personaliza??oMas ent?o, como eu disse, o Plus já tá aprovado. Já fiz testes com sandbox e tudo mais.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Checkout Transparente do PayPal] Personaliza??oOpa!
Sobre o iframe, sim, foi o que eu quis dizer. Pena que n?o há previs?o para personaliza??o, seria bacana. Mas felizmente funciona bem e é responsivo, ent?o só vou ajustar a altura do iframe dependendo da largura da tela pra n?o ficar um espa?o em branco.
Sobre o sandbox, obrigado pelo esclarecimento e pela dica.
Ah, uma dúvida final: instalando o plugin e estando tudo em ordem, preciso de alguma aprova??o, valida??o ou coisa do tipo do PayPal? Pelo que entendi, é só ter o Plus aprovado antes (o que já é o caso, já que sem ele n?o daria pra configurar o plugin) e depois disso n?o é preciso mais nada, certo?