Phil Brunet
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] Upload files instantaneously with Formidable Pro ?I also have this question.
Is it possible to upload the file(s) as soon as it’s added, without having to click the ‘Upload’ button? I don’t mind editing the code if it can be done easily.
My mistake, I forgot I had customized template files overriding the update.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] Default access permission for directoryJust for reference, I think my problem was umask()
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] Default access permission for directoryYes I understand that, I was just wondering if I was missing something obvious.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] Default access permission for directoryHi Thom, thanks for your input.
I tried uploading some files after making those changes to management.php and the directories permissions were still 0755
This is the shortcode I’m using to display the upload form on the website :
[fileup sub=”fa-firstlast/folder-xyz/directory-xyz/” makedir=”true” matchdrawer=”true” uploadlabel=”Upload”]
Is it possible to set the permissions for all sub directories (firstlast, folder-xyz, directory-xyz) to 0775 when creating them?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [File Away] Default access permission for directoryCan I just go inside class.fileaway_management.php and change all 0755 for 0775? Any downsides in doing so?
*Edit : I just tried it and it doesn’t work, probably not the way to go
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce] Switch between language, translateHi Komal,
Thank you for your answer and the quick update! I can now edit the ODDW strings with WPML. Amazing support!
PhilThank you Julien for you reply.
Here is the code I use for reference :
//* Add a client column to tickets and remove the Label column add_filter('manage_ticket_posts_columns' , 'add_ticket_columns'); function add_ticket_columns($columns) { unset($columns['taxonomy-ticket-tag']); return array_merge($columns, array('client' => 'Client')); } //* Populate the client ticket column add_action( 'manage_ticket_posts_custom_column', 'my_manage_ticket_columns', 10, 2 ); function my_manage_ticket_columns( $column, $post_id ) { global $post; switch( $column ) { /* If displaying the 'client' column. */ case 'client' : /* Get the post meta. */ $issuer = get_userdata( $post->post_author ); $client = $issuer->data->display_name; /* If no client is found, output a default message. */ if ( empty( $client ) ) echo __( 'Unknown' ); else printf( __( '%s' ), $client ); break; /* Just break out of the switch statement for everything else. */ default : break; } }
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin: Awesome support – adding columnHi,
I have the same question. In the admin tickets list, I would like to add a column with the ticket’s author name.
Can it be done?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Support - WordPress HelpDesk & Support Plugin] 404 permalinks errorIt happened again yesterday. I’m not sure what is causing it, a client usually emails me to let me know she can’t access a ticket. I then have to reset the permalink.
What can usually cause this? How do I track the cause?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Support - WordPress HelpDesk & Support Plugin] 404 permalinks errorYes sorry, I’m talking about the ones fixed by refreshing the permalinks. It happens once in a while and I have to fix it when customers email us that there’s an error. Before I realize I have an error, many visitors experience the 404 page.
Have you looked at the “Screen Options” menu (top right) and made sure everything was checked?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Awesome Support - WordPress HelpDesk & Support Plugin] url of ticketsFor reference, this is what I did so every ticket slug is simply ‘ticket-1’, 2, 3, etc.
add_filter('wpas_open_ticket_data', 'custom_wpas_open_ticket_data'); function custom_wpas_open_ticket_data( $data ){ $data['post_name'] = 'ticket'; return $data; }
And to make sure that even with the right url, only the author and admin can see the ticket’s title (I’m using the Genesis framework, the filter may be a bit different):
add_filter( 'genesis_post_title_output', 'remove_single_custom_post_titles' ); function remove_single_custom_post_titles( $title ) { global $post, $current_user; if( is_singular( 'ticket' ) ){ if ( $post->post_author == $current_user->ID or current_user_can('administrator') ) { return $title; } else { return '<h1>Forbidden</h1>'; } } else { return $title; } }
Of course, thanks! I edited my previous answer.
Merci Julien pour la réponse
Savez-vous combien de temps d’ici la version 3.2? On lance bient?t un nouveau site et on espère pouvoir se servir de Awesome Support.
Edit (translation): Thanks Julien for the answer
Do you know how long before version 3.2? We’re about to launch a new website and we hope we get to use Awesome Support