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  • Thanks – I’ll play around with that. This entire project has been an “if this, then…” process for me. (That’s how I ended up with the changing fonts, btw – total accident, but I liked it! LOL) I’m lucky that I’ve death-screened myself out of the site only once (and knew where to go to fix it). Most of the time I can trial and error my way through something but there have been definite brick walls. You’ve been a huge help – thanks!!

    Hahahaha – I knew it. I swear I’m not as slow as I seem to be.

    and if that didn’t work:

    I never can seem to link on the first try, let’s see how this goes:

    Holy Guacamole, we’re getting somewhere!! =)

    It’s still sloppy, but I did create the folder and move the file, make the changes AND get positive results on the first try (which is huge for me these days)! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

    Now it seems I’m getting double images on two of the three test-posts. The top of the post has a basic image, with no hover/circle effect (which is fine with me), then the bottom has the image again with the hover/circle effect. How do I remove the second image at the bottom of the post?

    Also, everything seems to be shifted to the left (as if there is a right sidebar), even though I have each post setting to full-width. Would you know how to correct this? I’m not opposed to it all being on the left side, but I’d want a sidebar to balance it. I tried a sidebar a few weeks ago but gave it up because the images appeared smaller with it in place, which I did not want to happen.

    Everything else I can play around with on my own. A million thank you’s for your time and help today, and if you can’t answer my new questions at least I’m SO much closer to success than I was this morning! =)


    I really like that, too!

    Thank you, thank you!

    One additional question – if I already have a Child Theme in place, how do I add a subdirectory to it? Right now my Child Theme only lists the Style.CSS.

    I did a quick WP search on the topic, and am a little sketchy on the process. Looking at my Child Theme, it says

    @import url(“../customizr/style.css”);

    So would I mirror this line and change it to
    @import url(“…/customizr/parts/class-content-post.php”); ? Or am I oversimplifying things? LOL

    Yes, I have Full Text selected, but only the first few lines show up.

    Right now my Blog page displays each post with a headline, small blurb of text, and small(ish) image to the left (or right) that has the hover/circle/bubble effect.

    Ideally, I would like to have a more image-based look, where images display in a grid (or mosaic) format and each one can be clicked/linked to its corresponding post, which would then contain a headline, text, etc. (This means the Blog page would not have text on it at all, much like the Demo Gallery in the Customizr site. There is another support thread that discusses this but I was not able to work my way through the suggestions there).

    I’ve been trying for two weeks (5 hours so far today) to figure something out with no luck, so I am open to the idea that I might have to settle for something different. Plan B is to select the “Image” format on each post, but when I use “Image” the headline and author/category/date info still show, and the image is small and out to the side (with the hover/circle effect). It’s not very visually appealing and looks unbalanced. Larger Photo would be great. No Headline/tags even better. You get where I’m going…lol.

    Plan C would be to find a way to display an image with adjustable sizing, followed by the full text of the post, and nothing that requires the reader to click away from what they’re reading. With this I’ve tried “Standard” but as I said before, cannot get the full text to show up, and I don’t know how to adjust the image size/remove the hover effect (or at least remove the colored box that surrounds the circle so that I end up with a larger round photo).

    I’ve keep thinking the solution is obvious but I’m at a loss. I seem to come up with alternate plans that I can’t successfully execute. The theme has been almost perfect for us in every other aspect, so I’m hoping the problem is user-error. Color me clueless as to what to try next, though. =) Thanks for your help!

    I’m having trouble with this too (wanting the reader to not have to click to read the entire post – I think this extra step could lose an impatient reader). I’ve been playing around with different things for over two weeks with no luck. =( Did you figure anything out on yours?

    Thread Starter FabSwag


    I’m so in love with Customizr for a million reasons – it’s absolutely perfect. Except the blog. <big sigh> I’ll take a look at Spun, but with my feet dragging…lol. =) Thanks.

    Thread Starter FabSwag


    Thank you!!

    Thread Starter FabSwag


    Thanks – I have it set to full text already, and the post isn’t long at all. I love everything about my site except the blog. =(

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