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  • Thread Starter faddah


    so putting this out there again — anyone have any ideas? i appreciate david of digital raindrops response, but it was stuff i already said i tried and still didn’t work. anyone with any idea on how to get this placeholder Search text in the HTML5 Search widget to another color? any help, please, would be most appreciated.


    — faddah wolf
    portland, oregon

    Thread Starter faddah


    hi david,

    yes, i had tried that before, as that is in the “Change Search Bar Color” forum post i read & mentioned before. that doesn’t work for the “Search” placeholder — in the apple webkit on google chrome & safari. it seems to work in firefox 4 – 7, though. but i want it working anywhere. i think the —

    #branding #s { ...

    and particularly the —

    #branding #s:focus { ...

    …only work once you click inside this HTML5 search widget. i need it to change the color when it just loads on the page to be a darker color (i like #303030), without ever mousing-over or clicking on it. see the example i have above of the screenshot image that shows you how gray and unreadable it is in the background.

    in any case, i made your changes and no, as it didn’t before, it’s still not working. thank you for trying, though.


    — faddah wolf
    portland, oregon

    none? there is absolute, still, six months later, no way in any of the sharedaddy plugin code from jetpack/automattic, a way to move that stuff to the top, just after the entry-title or a by-line? i’m hoping this has changed — i really like what sharedaddy in automattic’s jetpack does, but i’ll switch to something else if i can’t get feature options to put the line of services or the “share this” button where i want.

    Thread Starter faddah


    iscifi — thanx. that’s just the help i needed to get me started. oracle and others do have other similar “install scripts” and config files where you just set up a barebones db file and then let the config files do the rest, so i’m not unfamiliar with the concept. i just wanted to make sure this was the case, as that is not clear in any of the documentation. i’ll give it a try and let you folks know what results i get.

    michael — as moderator here (and i assume, therefore, one of the wordpress ‘gods’ as it were ;oD ), i respect your determination here. however, let me point out a few more things — what is being asked here is


    how to set up an OS, web-server, PHP implementation, or anything else like that. what is being asked is how to set-up MySQL, as recommended in your install HOW-TO and FAQ, as a db to get your product started up. as MySQL appears to be fairly generic from platform to platform, i feel that codifying something like what iscifi wrote to me, and make it a document on the basics of setting up the db, and then linked to in all your install read-me’s, HOW-TO’s and FAQs would be advisable and my suggestion. let’s face facts here — if you want ISPs or other web hosts to host your wordpress, the admins from those places will come to this site looking for the same information i asked for, even tho’ i’m just a lone gear-head with his own aging mac g4 server. having a document that is sort of a bridge, with the info iscifi gives, but also with relative links to the external software providers (like MySQL) is what would be very helpful here.

    thank you both for your responses. i’m off to give it a try.


    — faddah yuetsu wolf
    the lighthouse intentional community
    portland, oregon

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