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  • Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Just a quick recap to close the issue. @gyrus used this sample taxonomy registration code:

    add_action( 'init', 'f4_init' );
    function f4_init() {
                'labels'            => [
                    'name'          => 'Media categories',
                    'singular_name' => 'Media category',
                'public'            => false,
                'rewrite'           => false,
                'hierarchical'      => true,
                'query_var'         => false,
                'show_admin_column' => true,
                'show_ui'           => true,

    With 'query_var' set to false a taxonomy cannot be loaded at ?{query_var}={term_slug} which is exactly what is performed on filtering.

    What the official WP reference says:

    (string|bool) Sets the query var key for this taxonomy. Default $taxonomy key. If false, a taxonomy cannot be loaded at ?{query_var}={term_slug}. If a string, the query ?{query_var}={term_slug} will be valid.

    He just had to set 'query_var' to any string representing the {query_var}-part and he was good to go.

    Here is the final code:

    add_action( 'init', 'f4_init' );
    function f4_init() {
                'labels'            => [
                    'name'          => 'Media categories',
                    'singular_name' => 'Media category',
                'public'            => false,
                'rewrite'           => false,
                'hierarchical'      => true,
                'query_var'         => 'media-category',
                'show_admin_column' => true,
                'show_ui'           => true,
    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @gyrus

    Sorry for the late answer!

    We tried to rebuild this problem on a new and clean WordPress installation, exactly according to your informations from above (except for the WP version, we tried it on 5.3.2 instead of 5.3.1), but everything worked like expected. We also have a name attribute on the select, so after I press filter, the term is still selected.

    Can you show us the whole register_taxonomy code?

    I don’t think its the WordPress version that fixed it, but have you already tried it with WordPress 5.3.2?

    If that does not fix it, I’m out of ideas what could cause this problem on your installation. The last thing we could try is that I log in and take a look by myself. If you want me to do that, just send me a WordPress login to [email protected] and i’ll take a look as soon as possible.

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @gyrus

    We tried to reconstruct this problem, but it seem to work in every installation we could test it on.

    Can you give us some more informations about your installation?
    – WordPress version?
    – Multisite?
    – Any special plugins that could break this?
    – Any errors in the browsers developer console

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @gyrus

    Thanks for your feedback! We’ll check that and get back to you as soon as possible.

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Thank you @yujinyang, we’re glad this plugin helped you!

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @screamingdev

    Thanks again for your feedback.

    We added a few fixes to our new release, including the ones you mentioned.

    This plugin does still not officially support multisite pages, but we’ll release an multisite update in the near future.

    You sure can review our code even further if you like to, that would really help us fix problems we didnt encounter on our own pages that uses this plugin.

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    We’ll stay with flex: 1 for every dropdown, I think this makes the most sense.

    We’ve just released a new Version that should be compatible with WordPress 5.3. I hope everything works fine now for you.

    Thanks again for your time and help, we really appriciate it!

    Cheers from the FAKTOR VIER team!

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Thats true, we didn’t thought about the overflow if its too wide… The problem is, that we can’t rely on a fixed % width, because everyone can have as many dropdowns as they like. I think the only dynamic approach is flexing the fields to an even width:

    .attachments-browser .media-toolbar {
    	display: flex;
    .attachments-browser .media-toolbar .media-toolbar-secondary,
    .attachments-browser .media-toolbar .media-toolbar-primary {
    	max-width: none;
    .attachments-browser .media-toolbar .media-toolbar-secondary {
    	display: flex;
    	flex: 1;
        align-items: flex-start;
    .media-modal-content .media-frame .media-toolbar select.attachment-filters {
    	flex: 1;
    	width: 50%;
    	margin-right: 10px;
    .media-modal-content .media-frame .media-toolbar .spinner {
    	flex: 0 0 20px;
    	align-self: flex-end;
    	margin-right: 20px;
    	margin-bottom: 15px;

    The downside is, that the dropdowns are wider than usual, because they fill up the whole row now.

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @vanderwijk

    Thanks again for your feedback and further analysis!

    We couldn’t really rebuild what exactly caused the dropdowns to look like in your screenshot (which browser are you using?), but we tried another approach. It would be awesome if you could try out our new css, before we release this change as a new version.

    Just replace the code between /* MEDIA FILTERS */ and /* SELECTIZE */ with the following:

    .attachments-browser .media-toolbar {
    	display: flex;
    .attachments-browser .media-toolbar .media-toolbar-secondary,
    .attachments-browser .media-toolbar .media-toolbar-primary {
    	max-width: none;
    .attachments-browser .media-toolbar .media-toolbar-secondary {
    	flex: 1;
    .media-modal-content .media-frame .media-toolbar select.attachment-filters {
    	width: auto;
    	margin-right: 10px;

    If this is not working correctly, we’ll stick with your approach.

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @vanderwijk

    Thanks for your feedback!

    We’re currently working on 5.3 compability updates for all our plugins. We’ll release an update on monday or tuesday, next week.

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hello @screamingdev

    Sorry for the late answer and thank you for your feedback!
    We’re looking into this issue and get back to you as soon as possible.

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Thank you very much @miwebdesigns for the kind words! We really appreciate it.

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hello @kimakemp

    This plugin only supports filters/restrictions for categories, tags and custom taxonomies. If you want to filter for mime types, you could create a new taxonomy for that, create terms for each mime type you need and assign the attachments manually to this terms.

    Thread Starter FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @vmarko
    Is there any update on this issue to get it with an official release?
    Kind regards

    Plugin Author FAKTOR VIER


    Hi @rhcburg

    Thanks again for your feedback. We couldn’t exacty reconstruct the problem according to your infos, but we added a few small fixes, which may solve your problem too.

    We’ve just released a new version of the plugin.

    If it still persists after the update, just let us know.

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