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Hi doesn’t this instal right on itself? I was watching a video on this pluyou in & did not see him instal on his PC he only had to activate it I just don’t get allot of this very confusing can give me some advise on this please if I were to instal on my PC I would need to buy a server right? I do have a Kompozer & when I searched in w/p for the plug in & clicked to instal it my kompozer popps up & I don’t know how to add anything from the tinymce into the Kompozer I tried nothing works thank you so much very nice meeting you ??
Hi WPyogi, thank you so much the reason is I am trying to instal W/P its because I had a 14 day free trial on a program tittled (IM ) where I found a video sieries on click bank but it was in the Vip insiders club where I learned how to edite the affiliate links so at the same time protecting my own affiliate link so other venders or affiliates cant take my commissions I just learned this … I wanted to instal w/p on Kompozer now but can’t with out it having a php also is a software you can edit themes on etc its really cook I just now found a place I will tell you more after I get my affiliate link of another place you can get loads of free templetes OK I just signed up you can also get free hosting so hang in there get back to you some time tomorrow nice meeting you & thanks Sue I am an artist also I will send my link soon