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  • Just moved to MediaTemple myself and I’m experiencing the exact same issue with WP 2.7. Did you guys find an alternate solution other than changing dir permissions?

    Hey, drtanz… not sure if you noticed this in your forum searches but you can put <p align="none">&nbsp;</p> in your HTML code to get that empty paragraph (well, kinda empty… that ” ” is a space) to stay. However, if you switch back to the visual view, it disappears again. Certainly not a permanent solution but it’s a workaround… one that I’m currently having to use.

    I’m having the same issue. In fact, I’m seeing this issue quite a bit here in the forums but I never see where to add that memory_limit code to the .htaccess file. Does it have to be in a specific place in that file? Apparently my host can’t change this themselves.

    Many thanks!

    I seemed to have been having this same issue. Deleting a post visually worked but, refresh the Manage posts page and the post magically re-appeared.

    However, I fixed the issue by disabling each of my plugins, created a variety of new temporary posts, and then deleted the new posts one-by-one after reactivating plugins one-by-one. This method of elimination allowed me to find that there was a plugin, Google Sitemaps 2.7.1, that was creating this issue. This plugin, btw, was also causing a blank page to appear after creating a new post…I think. Anyways, if any of you are running this plugin, you might try disabling it. If not this plugin, then you might try the same method of elimination with your other plugins. Post back if my explanation didn’t make sense.


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