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  • Thread Starter faospark


    Have you ever managed one? ?? it’s 2021 and i write this down with due respect… but question like this

    What would you say is the problem for older sites?

    At this point it is not what would I say…it’s more like did anybody from the Team BOTHERED to read and listen for the past few years.
    and that is not a question

    Discussions about Gutenberg is like speaking about Voldemort… it always in fear of danger. People get banned from this

    I will try my best to name a few one. Converting Thousands of Posts is not as as it looks. Not all posts are just simple blog posts.
    Converting Hundreds that contains custom field will never be an easy convertion that being said would a medium size bussiness would even actually bother to hire someone do that for them given that we have pandemic now?
    Shortcodes has been a problem with this. one always ask the question should make this just a block now or just let it be. and to change it finding each one is not easy task there is alway risks involve. that is just For Content adaptation to the block model of Gutenburg. Theme convertion though is full discussion on it’s own . Questions like should I use page template on this or just make a blank full width one and let user decide which often than not is a good idea. ?

    Again it is easy to convert a site like portfolio site with less than 100post and less than 20 pages to gutenburg but for older and more content driven site that has thousand of posts and pages it is a very different story.

    There is a reason why the classic editor pluign is sitting at a whopping 5+ Million active installs in wordpress Despite and In Spite of large amount of content produced in favor or Gutenberg. you better best believe that simply extending the support for it on 2022 indicates a lack of foresight.

    I understand the need of making wp more viable and to be competative to Wix or SquareSpace but i also think that in order for WP to be there simply changing the editor is not a magic bullet. as Miss deborah highlight below in the comments section

    Preliminary Road to 5.9

    Lastly the success of Wix or Squarespace is more driven by their endorsers rather than it’s content editor. endorsers of Squarespace are so creative while also under standing the demographic they cater on to. and that is the KEY undertanding the demographic they cater.. and I dont think that 5 Million users of the classic editor had been heard … even when they have been screaming in silence for the past few years.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by faospark.

    I second this. basically the js that suppose to be loaded during the setup is not loaded. just enqueue it.

    i know this plugin still works. why not Bump the version Ben?

    it literally says in the description ADMIN.

    go to you dns zone or dns manager and point the subdomain to root of your wordpress installation

    you need to specify on you subdomain manager or dns zone editor or a similar page in your hosting dashboard the value china and specify the root to you wordpress root directory
    assuming your worpress directory is on the root(public_html)

    subdomains | document root
     china      |  /public_html
    subdomain2  | /public_html
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by faospark.
    Thread Starter faospark


    ok thanks for the heads up for the plugin sir Jeremy

    thought they have revised the wording… i still think that the plugin should not be opinionated to which jquery version a site is using.

    Forum: Networking WordPress
    In reply to: site url https

    Login in to your myphpadmin
    Update siteurl and home on wp_options table to for siteurl and for home without the trailing slash
    Since i noticed you are also using the www version of your site so check wp_blogs and add www on your domainname because in multisite wo would have trouble with the redirects. Also add define(‘FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true) on your config file. If you are going use jetpack with cloudflare below is the setup for it for networks
    Jetpack and cloudflare setup

    this is more likely a case of your host that block updates on certain files. wordfence accurately checks the repo version vs your local files. in my case before readme txt files are not updated in my host by default and they went step further blocking other plugins who seem to not pass their check update script. if i were you id contact them and politely but sometime they dont listen so what i do is manually update plugins like jetpack and other plugins that are deemed “resource heavy” by some hosting companies

    im on php 7 and multisite is running. the thing is that somehow the load all options when login is a bit slower than 5.6 but that said in your case could be a plugin or the theme is causing the problem

    check you dns zone. add the name of the subdomain name manually and make sure to point them in the wordpress root directory

    you need to specify which plugin you are referring to and i think that it is better to post the topic on the plugin support.

    just a tip. when trying out plugins for wp-mu…. always take into account that not all plugins are multi-site capable. most are compatible provided you just activate them per subsite.

    Update to the latest version of wordpress. Try creating a new admin account and reduce the role of the old one to subscriber. If you can delete that account do so but make sure all post or necessary post published by that account are transfered to the a new one. As much as possible also dont use an admin account that does not have the word admin on it or anything that resembles your domain name or brand.

    My site was hacked too but was lucky enough that the role of that admin account was reduced to contributor on my main site. Person was only able to create blank posts

    if you are referring to the options under the general settings in single site mode
    that one that you can change your wordpress address url and site url…

    in order for you to change it network/multisite mode you have login in your phpmyadmin and update it in your database look for wp_options and update the option names siteurl and home
    update of home and siteurl on wpmu

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