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  • .woocommerce ul.products li.product .price,
    .woocommerce-page ul.products li.product .price {
    text-align: center;
    color: #ccc; /* This is what you MAY want to change color */
    font-weight: 100;
    font-size: 0.5em;

    in style.css will change the colour – how did you change the font size though as for some reason this code won’t affect the font size on this theme….??



    Hey mate.

    So for some reason myphpadmin accepted that query today.

    I’ve cleaned the user dbase out and imported it again. Still the password are truncated (or at least changed).


    the password hash in the original csv is bc9750f15df47f41859d2a2775629f99:Lm
    after import into the user dbase it reads vn838njCYgQr
    the dbase does support the larger password as i can cut and paste it in manually.

    when I do that – the plug-in works perfectly allowing me to log-in using the original password!

    any idea how i can get the passwords to import correctly as curring and pasting a few thousand passwords hashes into a dbase is a depressing prospect!




    Hi CB – i’m really hoping this is the silverbullet I think it is and appreciate you having taken the time to write it.

    apart from the wp_xxxx part is there any other bit of that string which needs to be amended? when I entered this query (in myphpadmin) it gave an error.

    Thread Starter fatboyjim


    Thanks. As usual when I’m talking to a designer, I made the change and only then understood why you had taken the decision to limit the length to 25 – and so I changed it back to your default setting!

    Right now, if there is a link in the blog post – this is just rendered as text on the front page with no link embedded. Is this a limitation of wordpress or something that is inherent to the theme.

    Oh – edited to add: In my opinion it might also be better if it resolved to omitting the ‘header’ side image on smaller devices. Just my opinion though!

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