Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] sAMAccountName not allowing loginHey slenzi,
I′ve looked into your issue. You are trying to login with a username and password instead of the email and password, correct?
This does not work.
If your email is [email protected] and you want to login with only username and the password, you need to add an account suffix. To do so, go into the configuration and open the User tab.
By doing so, you are no longer required to enter the full email address but instead only enter the ‘username’.So if you have been logging in with [email protected] and you enter company.com to the account suffix option, you can now login with slenzi and your password.
I hope this solves your problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Verified, but Test Authentication failsHey cwolff
I have just looked into the issue you are describing. I was able to replicate your exact issue. Please check the encryption option “strttls” and If your Active Directory supports it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Admin Reset After Failed AttemptsHi greyjoy,
I have just looked into the issue you described. I was able to recreate the problem.
At the moment, you need to explicitly exclude the usernames of local WordPress users from the Next ADI authentication. Go to the Next ADI plugin configuration page and enter the usernames you want to exclude by clicking on the User tab.
Thank you for reporting this issue and If you encounter any further problems, please let us know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] 2 questions on new versionHey stopha
I dont really understand what you are describing. When you enter your custom attribute extensionattribute2 it will be displayed with the same name in the user profile.
We are glad to hear you are enjoying our new plugin. Thank you for reporting issues.
Hey dr00bie
I have just looked into your problem and I believe I found the solution/possible fix.
First of all, it is not a plugin error. The messages you are receiving are cause by a wrong baseDN. Verify that you have entered the correct baseDN in your settings.I have reproduced this error by changing my correct baseDN (DC=test,DC=ad) to an incorrect one (ou=something).
If this still does not help you, please let me know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] 2 questions on new versionHey stopha
I′m glad to hear you are updating to the latest version.
Answer to question 1)
You may choose preset values from the attributes dropdown. If you require custom attributes to be mapped like you are describing, you may simply select the dropdown and start typing your custom values. Have a look at my screenshot below.Answer to question 2)
If I understand your question correctly, your want to hide the menu for Active Directory Integration from the Dashboard? All users with administrator privileges are going to be able to view the menu entry. Normal users like editors for example, will not be able to view the menu. You can set all options for your sites to be deactivated and to not show the values. There simply is no reason to disable the side menu for administrators.Please let me know if I have answered your questions. Thank you for reporting your issues and feel free to report any further problems you may encounter.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Update to 2.0.10 failedHey bobchou9
I′m glad you were able to solve your problem. Thank you for raising potential issues. We are very glad that you support our work by testing it and giving us your feedback. We depend on people like you. If you encounter any further problems feel free to let us know.
I′m glad to hear, you enjoy our work.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Update to 2.0.10 failedHey bobchou9
I can not reproduce your issue. It is most likely a problem with your permissions.
Please check the permissions for that specific folder. Did you maybe edit the file?You might also want to check your apache error_log file for further information.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Roles and AuthenticationHey trevolutionary
Thank your for reporting your issue. I will look into this problem today and report back to you as soon as possible.
Please post your log containing the login attempts you are describing. (Activate logging in the configuration)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Brute Force Protection NotificationHey bobchou9
I just want to let you know, that we have just released the 2.0.10 version yesterday. As part of the update, we have improved/fixed the brute force protection page.
Users should now be redirected to a proper warning page.
Please try the brute force protection yourself and let us know if you encounter any further problems. As of right now, this issue should be fixed.
Thank you for reporting this issue.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Synch group members from ADHey vsrybnyy2016,
the root cause of your problem seems to be the group you are trying to import. The group TestAD has no members and the users can not be imported. Try to check if the group actually contains users by editing your ad.
As long as it says, there are 0 members in the TestAD group, no users will be imported.
Please let us know, if your issue continues to cause problems.
The same security group that you entered in the Active Directory Integration -> Configuration -> Sync to WordPress -> Import members of security groups should probably be used for the Role equivalent groups setting.
This way all users you import, should be assigned to the equivalent group you entered.
Import members of security groups : students
Role equivalent groups: students <> editor(All students will then be editor by default)
When you trigger the Sync to WordPress action, what are does the output look like?
It should say something like:
[INFO ] Security groups ["50User","100User","TestGruppeC","Dom\u00e4nen-Benutzer","Benutzer"] are mapped to WordPress roles: ["editor"]
Hello daretalvitie
Thank you for reporting this problem. We will start looking into this bug.
In the meantime there is a simple fix to your problem:ADInx offers a feature that allows you to map your active directory groups to a certain WordPress group.
For example you could say:
All active directory users with the group ‘students‘ will have the WordPress group ‘editor‘.This should solve your problem.
To do so, go to your ADInx configuration page and select Permissions.
Under Role equivalent groups you can set an active directory group and an equivalent WordPress role.
In this screenshot you can see how we grant all users with the active directory group ‘students‘ the WordPress role ‘editor‘.I hope this solves your issue. If you encounter any further problems, please let us know.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Next Active Directory Integration] Moving from ADI to ADI NXHey pegasuspress
We do recommend to switch to ADI NX. Have a look at our official documentation about migrating from ADI to ADI NX. Your questions should be answered after reading it.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.