Forum Replies Created
Thanks Prashant.
I hope that the team will fix this bug soon.I should not have sent the code for the custom post types.
I don’t ask you to modify the code, it was just an example to show you that I created a custom post type WITH author support, but that in WPForms, it is impossible to use the {author_display} variable in the notification email.
I’m not trying to customize WPForms, but just to use it in a normal way.The problem is that there is a BUG WITH THE {author_display} TAG.
Please fix this bug and take the time to read the questions correctly.Thank you.
thank you for your answer.
I have created real estate listings as a custom post type, with a form visible on all pages of the site. I put you the code below (you can see that I activated the support of authors).
In WPForms, I activated a notification that sends the content of the form {all_fields} as well as the name of the page and its url {page_title} {page_url}. I would also like to have the author’s name {author_display}. The variables are correctly sent when the form is sent from a page or an article but not from a custom post type page. The author field is empty.
Is this clear enough or do you need more details?
(In this case, please tell me what you need)<?php function cptui_register_my_cpts() { $labels = [ "name" => __( "Annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "singular_name" => __( "Annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "menu_name" => __( "Annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "all_items" => __( "Toutes les annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "add_new" => __( "Ajouter une annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "add_new_item" => __( "Ajouter une nouvelle annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "edit_item" => __( "Modifier annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "new_item" => __( "Nouvelle annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "view_item" => __( "Voir annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "view_items" => __( "Voir annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "search_items" => __( "Rechercher des annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "not_found" => __( "Aucune annonce trouvée", "hello-elementor-child" ), "not_found_in_trash" => __( "Aucun annonce trouvée dans la corbeille", "hello-elementor-child" ), "parent" => __( "Annonce parent?:", "hello-elementor-child" ), "featured_image" => __( "Image mise en avant pour cette annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "set_featured_image" => __( "Définir l’image mise en avant pour cette annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "remove_featured_image" => __( "Retirer l’image mise en avant pour cette annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "use_featured_image" => __( "Utiliser comme image mise en avant pour cette annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "archives" => __( "Archives des annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "insert_into_item" => __( "Insérer dans l'annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "uploaded_to_this_item" => __( "Téléverser sur l'annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "filter_items_list" => __( "Filtrer la liste des annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "items_list_navigation" => __( "Navigation de liste des annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "items_list" => __( "Liste des annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "attributes" => __( "Attributs des annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "name_admin_bar" => __( "Annonce", "hello-elementor-child" ), "item_published" => __( "Annonce publiée", "hello-elementor-child" ), "item_published_privately" => __( "Annonce publiée en privé.", "hello-elementor-child" ), "item_reverted_to_draft" => __( "Annonce repassée en brouillon.", "hello-elementor-child" ), "item_scheduled" => __( "Annonce planifiée", "hello-elementor-child" ), "item_updated" => __( "Annonce mise à jour.", "hello-elementor-child" ), "parent_item_colon" => __( "Annonce parent?:", "hello-elementor-child" ), ]; $args = [ "label" => __( "Annonces", "hello-elementor-child" ), "labels" => $labels, "description" => "", "public" => true, "publicly_queryable" => true, "show_ui" => true, "show_in_rest" => true, "rest_base" => "", "rest_controller_class" => "WP_REST_Posts_Controller", "rest_namespace" => "wp/v2", "has_archive" => false, "show_in_menu" => true, "show_in_nav_menus" => true, "delete_with_user" => false, "exclude_from_search" => false, "capability_type" => "post", "map_meta_cap" => true, "hierarchical" => false, "can_export" => true, "rewrite" => [ "slug" => "annonce", "with_front" => true ], "query_var" => true, "menu_icon" => "dashicons-store", "supports" => [ "title", "editor", "author" ], "show_in_graphql" => false, ]; register_post_type( "annonce", $args ); } add_action( 'init', 'cptui_register_my_cpts' );
Thank you for taking the time to reproduce the problem.
I hope a fix will be made soon.
In any case, thank you very much for your reactivity.Thank you for your answer.
I created a copy of the site, deactivated all plugins and activated the “twenty nineteen” theme.
Unfortunately the problem is still there.Here is how to reproduce it step by step:
1/ change the background image of the login screen
2/ in a private browser tab, open the login page and refresh it
3/ go to the media page to see the new image that has been createdI created a video that shows all the steps:
https://gofile.io/d/upZdYtSo it looks like the image is created when the login page is reloaded with the new background image.
My image is 1920×1280 pixels in size ; what i show in the video is the cropped image.
It’s the format that seems to be the problem : the background image is cropped to a “portrait format”.Thank you but the code didn’t removed the background.
I choosed to use another plugin (Branda).Thanks for your answer.
Yes i would like the CSS code please.
Or maybe you can include it in the next release ?Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Mailjet Email Marketing] Translation problem with Woocommerce integrationGreat !
Thanks a lot !
^^,Thanks bradvin for your answer,
I’ve retried with a brand new install of WordPress and i was able to add a gallery too.
So i tried to desactivate-reactivate every plugin to see if there’s any change.
And i finally found that Adminimize was responsible for the error, or more precisely my Adminimize config : i hid the sub-menu “Add Gallery” but not the main menu “Foogallery”, and this was what gave me the error when trying to access this section.note:
When i’m logged in with Editor account and i click on the “Add Gallery” link i get the following message :
” Cheatin’ uh? Sorry, you are not allowed to access this site. ”( the button link is …./wp-admin/post-new.php?post_type=foogallery )