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  • (Sorry, here is the properly formatted code – wouldn’t a POST preview function be great?!)

    By the way: once my plugin page is flagged in the $wp_query object, I then use the ‘the_posts’ filter to see if $wp_query->get(‘my_plugin_page_is_called’) is set. I can then override:
    $posts[0]->post_title and $posts[0]->post_content with my own content.

    function my_plugin_query_parser( $q ) {
    $the_page_name = get_option( "my_plugin_page_name" );
    $the_page_id = get_option( 'my_plugin_page_id' );
    $qv = $q->query_vars;
    // have we NOT used permalinks...?
    if( !$q->did_permalink AND ( isset( $q->query_vars['page_id'] ) ) AND ( intval($q->query_vars['page_id']) == $the_page_id ) ) {
    $q->set('my_plugin_page_is_called', TRUE );
    return $q;
    elseif( isset( $q->query_vars['pagename'] ) AND ( ($q->query_vars['pagename'] == $the_page_name) OR ($_pos_found = strpos($q->query_vars['pagename'],$the_page_name.'/') === 0) ) ) {
    $q->set('my_plugin_page_is_called', TRUE );
    return $q;
    else {
    $q->set('my_plugin_page_is_called', FALSE );
    return $q;
    add_filter( 'parse_query', 'my_plugin_query_parser' );

    It all works fine, but I am also wondering if this is the ‘correct’ way of doing things.


    This is something I just did too in the past few days. This is my first venture into the WordPress plugin world and I based the basics on:

    In the main plugin file:

    /* Runs when plugin is activated */
    /* Runs on plugin deactivation*/
    register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'my_plugin_remove' );


    function my_plugin_install() {
        global $wpdb;
        $the_page_title = 'Whatever You Want';
        $the_page_name = 'whatever-you-want';
        // the menu entry...
        add_option("my_plugin_page_title", $the_page_title, '', 'yes');
        // the slug...
        add_option("my_plugin_page_name", $the_page_name, '', 'yes');
        // the id...
        add_option("my_plugin_page_id", '0', '', 'yes');
        $the_page = get_page_by_title( $the_page_title );
        if ( ! $the_page ) {
            // Create post object
            $_p = array();
            $_p['post_title'] = $the_page_title;
            $_p['post_content'] = "This text may be overridden by the plugin. You shouldn't edit it.";
            $_p['post_status'] = 'publish';
            $_p['post_type'] = 'page';
            $_p['comment_status'] = 'closed';
            $_p['ping_status'] = 'closed';
            $_p['post_category'] = array(1); // the default 'Uncatrgorised'
            // Insert the post into the database
            $the_page_id = wp_insert_post( $_p );
        else {
            // the plugin may have been previously active and the page may just be trashed...
            $the_page_id = $the_page->ID;
            //make sure the page is not trashed...
            $the_page->post_status = 'publish';
            $the_page_id = wp_update_post( $the_page );
        delete_option( 'my_plugin_page_id' );
        add_option( 'my_plugin_page_id', $the_page_id );
    function my_plugin_remove() {
        global $wpdb;
        $the_page_title = get_option( "my_plugin_page_title" );
        $the_page_name = get_option( "my_plugin_page_name" );
        //  the id of our page...
        $the_page_id = get_option( 'my_plugin_page_id' );
        if( $the_page_id ) {
            wp_delete_post( $the_page_id ); // this will trash, not delete

    I then sniff my page by hooking into the ‘parse_query’ filter…

    function my_plugin_query_parser( $q ) {

    $the_page_name = get_option( “my_plugin_page_name” );
    $the_page_id = get_option( ‘my_plugin_page_id’ );

    $qv = $q->query_vars;

    // have we NOT used permalinks…?
    if( !$q->did_permalink AND ( isset( $q->query_vars[‘page_id’] ) ) AND ( intval($q->query_vars[‘page_id’]) == $the_page_id ) ) {

    $q->set(‘my_plugin_page_is_called’, TRUE );
    return $q;

    elseif( isset( $q->query_vars[‘pagename’] ) AND ( ($q->query_vars[‘pagename’] == $the_page_name) OR ($_pos_found = strpos($q->query_vars[‘pagename’],$the_page_name.’/’) === 0) ) ) {

    $q->set(‘my_plugin_page_is_called’, TRUE );
    return $q;

    else {

    $q->set(‘my_plugin_page_is_called’, FALSE );
    return $q;


    add_filter( ‘parse_query’, ‘my_plugin_query_parser’ );

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