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your really a great guy !
awaiting this test i deactivated it and installed the xprofile custom fields which permit to use several different files and pictures…
what is really complex is with the theme custom registration is not working at all !
on a normal buddypress registration file still empty !
i will try soon thank you !
the form is here :
https://www.iefsante.eu/inscription-en-tant-quetudiant/1.i only add your plugin and add in form base in buddypress 1 picture field
but it come with wplms (buddy press, WPLMS plugins, membership, bbpress etc…)2.steps are click on link above fill form and click register !
3. no code customization
what i see is in the form page there is no fields_id hidden field it is really strange if you want i can give my email to get my credentials you can see directly on the server. it is really annoying because we must have the picture to validate a user… to validate it is a medecine user
i am in your php file in method bpxp_image_field_save_on_signup
$_FILES is null
$_POST give me this[{\”id\”:\”signup_email\”,\”value\”:\”[email protected]\”},{\”id\”:\”signup_password\”,\”value\”:\”ggg\”},{\”id\”:\”member_type\”,\”value\”:\”\”},{\”id\”:\”field_1\”,\”value\”:\”cyril leclerc\”},{\”id\”:\”field_40\”,\”value\”:\”C:\\\\fakepath\\\\pwact.jpg\”},{\”id\”:\”field_40_hidden\”,\”value\”:\”\”},{\”id\”:\”field_40_visibility\”,\”value\”:\”public\”},{\”id\”:\”custom_activation_mail\”,\”value\”:\”no\”},{\”id\”:\”bp_new_signup\”,\”value\”:\”7637091e44\”},{\”id\”:\”_wp_http_referer\”,\”value\”:\”/inscription-en-tant-quetudiant/\”}]
so when i try to do $POST[‘field_40’] it is null
it does’nt not work at all and i really need it i spend a really lot of time on it !
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by Steven Stern (sterndata).
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by Steven Stern (sterndata). Reason: removed email
to make simple i use preactivation user and in bp_xprofile_data table intead of /profil/id and picture it create the picture path is c:fakepath”filename”.jpg
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types] Image not uploadedhello,
i just tested the plugin and upload file or picture but nothing is displayed on member page !