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  • Try adding this to the bottom of your style.css file

    .sitename a { color: #color_here }

    Replace #color_here with whatever color you want to change it to.

    It is kind of tough not knowing what theme you built your site off of, but there are two options I can think of. If you go to the actual template file responsible for displaying that page you can look for the following code

    <?php the_title(); ?>

    If will probably be wrapped in <h1></h1> tags, just remove it from the file and save it.

    – OR –

    You could use some CSS to hide it completely from view but it would still exist within the page markup. In your master.css add

    article .post h1 { display: none}

    I created a child theme from the delicate theme, all I needed for the child theme to show up was a new folder (delicatechild) and the style.css and it showed up for me in the admin.

    One thing that did confuse me though at first was because all the theme description information was the same, I thought it wasn’t showing but then I realized delicate was my current theme and the child theme was indeed being listed below.

    On thing you can do to separate the child themes visually in your admin is to edit the header comments of the child theme style.css file, which is what I did to the delicate theme. The original had the following:

    Theme Name:    Delicate
    Theme URI:
    Description:   Delicate is a free professional WordPress theme built on the NattyWP CMS framework.
    Version:       1.0
    Author:        NattyWP

    I changed the Theme Name to:

    Theme Name:    Delicate Child
    Theme URI:
    Description:   Delicate is a free professional WordPress theme built on the NattyWP CMS framework.
    Version:       1.0
    Author:        NattyWP

    So now on the admin side it shows Delicate Child as the title, so I know which one I am working with lol

    Very cool! Sorry I wasn’t on to see your other responses but I am glad you found the solution at any rate.

    I just used firebug to make the tweak and it was telling me that the body element was located in the sentient.css file. It was not in the style.css file. Sorry if it wasn’t clear before.

    On thing I noticed right off the bat was that the body wasn’t taking up the whole window space, and since the background image position is tied to the width of the body element it was offset to the left.

    body { width: 100%}

    I added that to the body definition in sentient.css and it seemed to center the page, but the background image is really hard for me to see with my eyes so it may need more tweaking.

    In your style.css try adding the following to the ids listed below

    #base {
      position: relative
    #menu {
      left: 292px

    You can play with the left value under #menu until you get the spacing that you are looking for I just used that number because that is the spacing used on the example you gave.

    The cufon.js file needs to be updated. The titles use that javascript file to be rendered properly in the browser. They released a 1.09i version that is supposed to work with IE9, you can go to the website to download it

    Be sure to rename the file that you download to cufon.js and then copy and replace it into the themes/delicate/js folder. I tested it out after getting the updated file and the titles came back when viewed in IE9.

    Since you have been clearing your cache the only other thing that I can think of is if the dashboard interface doesn’t have the necessary file permissions to overwrite the old information, then any changes you attempt to make will simply not be applied. Whatever was there before will show up again as if no changes were made when you load it up again. I can’t say for sure as I typically make edits to the files directly, but that does sound like what is happening.

    Try adding a font-family declaration to your inputs in the theme-my-login.css file so IE won’t use default fonts that mess with your form field alignment. I tested this in IE9 and they lined up.

    .login input {
        margin: 5px 5px 5px 0px;
        font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
        font-size: 12px;

    The font size is not needed (for the alignment to happen) but better to be specific then leave it up to the browser.

    .comments-link a {
        background: url("images/comment-bubble.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 #EEEEEE;
        color: #666666;
        font-size: 13px;
        font-weight: normal;
        height: 36px;
        line-height: 35px;
        overflow: hidden;
        padding: 0;
        position: absolute;
        right: 0;
        text-align: center;
        text-decoration: none;
        top: 5em;
        width: 43px;

    Looks like this is the css rule responsible for the bubble, since it is positioned absolutely all you have to do to move it down it tweak the top: attribute. I changed it to 5em and it brought it down just above the paragraph. I hope that is what you were looking for.

    .posties .one {
        margin-left: 130px;
        padding-top: 20px;
        width: 100%;

    I added this to style.css on line 269 and it lined up the post, not sure how you wanted it to line up but it got the main content out from behind the left column.

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