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  • Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Hi.. Thank you for checking! Somehow, 2 changes happened.

    The name corrected.. & the email consists of a headline, sentence & link. Before, it was a headline, entire body of text, & link. I appreciate whatever you did!


    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Hi again.. I’m really having problems. I think two of my sites are messed up big-time with bad files, etc.

    It probably started after performing back-ups, about a week ago, but there may already have been something wrong that caused me to write the first message in this thread.

    I installed the plug-in WP Debugging on since I can’t even get into the dashboard of All I see when logging on is a white screen with the same two error messages at the very top:

    “W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /homepages/39/d817056123/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ThePhillyFiles/wp-content/advanced-cache.php.”
    “W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /homepages/39/d817056123/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ThePhillyFiles/wp-content/db.php.”

    I hope this will do something. Earlier, I saw something about reinstalling WordPress, except for the content. Have any of you been through this and have advice?


    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Hi again! I’ve been trying to solve problems on the site. Unfortunately, others are popping up.

    The good news is I used the UpdraftPlus plug-in and restored an earlier version of so it loads on all browsers (or at least the ones I tried).
    When I asked IONOS support to verify everything was OK, they wrote “I would like to inform you that the website is up and running.”

    Also good is that I was just able to post a comment I’d saved onto Not being able to post comments onto any page of the site was an original issue at the beginning of this string!

    However, if you go to that post, you’ll notice the opportunity to “like” the article keeps loading, loading, loading – and the opportunity to “like” the comment keeps loading, loading, loading. (And despite going through pretty much everything, I still can’t find how to add a first “related” posts section between liking the post, and the categories and tags, which I had before all this started. That section still appears on

    Also, I’m getting messages about extra white space – and problems with files like these, just now:
    The first is “W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /homepages/39/d817056123/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ThePhillyFiles/wp-content/advanced-cache.php.”
    And the second is “W3 Total Cache Error: some files appear to be missing or out of place. Please re-install plugin or remove /homepages/39/d817056123/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ThePhillyFiles/wp-content/db.php.”

    I added the plug-in Query Monitor to hopefully fix files and code, and also WP-Cron Status Checker to fix the scheduling. These are problems that turned up after I restored the earlier version of the site using UpdraftPlus plug-in. Those plug-ins may need 24 hours to work.

    I don’t know what can be done besides waiting, but I’d certainly appreciate any advice.
    Thanks again!

    P.S. I still have to find out whether short URLs from Jetpack work. I didn’t want to publish anything new until readers were able to post comments. Should I keep waiting to publish, with so much else happening?

    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Hi! I just updated the PHP on the sites to 7.4. After that, IONOS had me check each site with links they provided, and works on Firefox. (That’s the browser I happened to be using at the time.) It doesn’t work on Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, nor my Android phone.

    Maybe I’ll figure something out tonight, but I can’t work another six hours on it.

    I’ll write back to IONOS tomorrow, since I just asked about getting the PHP Extension imagick, which is apparently suggested but I’d never heard of a PHP Extension before.

    Thank you for checking in!

    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Hi! I spent six hours working on website maintenance tonight, and learned and practiced several things, like backups and CDN. Unfortunately, now won’t appear. (Hours earlier, I changed its theme from “Writers Blogily” to “SEO Writers Blogily” so it would be exactly like, and did a lot of recreating.)

    I think all options on (where comments wouldn’t work) & (where comments work) are identical.

    I followed your directions with Jetpack on I deactivated it, got the proper name for the site, and activated it again. Then, I migrated subscribers but still need to merge the stats, if that’s possible.

    I also noticed a few other things, in addition to what I mentioned in my first post here:

    In Settings >> Reading and also Discussion, the radio buttons and check marks in (where comments work) are blue, but in, they’re all black. Does that mean anything?

    Jetpack had been set to create short URLs on both sites.

    The opportunity for a reader to “Like” a post loads forever on & never gives the option. Above that is the title “Like this:” and below that are the categories and tags. It works perfectly on has a second Related Posts section under the categories and tags, and above the comment box. How do I get that on (I’m sure it used to be there.)

    Thanks again for all you do!
    Lenny Cohen

    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    I just found the scroll on the right side to change it back to “not resolved” and hope that’s OK.

    I hope to have my stuff together within a week.


    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Actually, it’s not yet resolved.

    I’m still not well and today, am actually able to go through websites.

    I have not yet done the Jetpack check, and I also want to compare this website with a similar one.

    Thank you for your help, but I’ll need a little more time.


    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Wow! THANK YOU! I looked and thought, came up with, and then realized the post’s Excerpt box wasn’t empty like all the others.

    I deleted what was there, and now all is great (except for the migration repairs, which I can do slowly).

    And great point about all homepage summaries being links. I should’ve specified this one actually showed!

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Wow! You got me thinking and I figured it out. (You were exactly right about the height being 45!)

    The dimensions were always there. I thought about doubling the height, to see if the frame would go longer and if so, make the text larger as well to fill the space.

    That didn’t work, so I thought about using the date in the graphic along with the time, rather than WordPress’ shortcut I’d been using.

    Then, I changed the text widget to html and it worked! (I don’t know why, but it did.)

    THANK YOU for loooking into this for me. I really appreciate it!!


    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    FYI, in case this helps (and I tried several things), I ended up putting the first few items on the right-side widget space with one single widget: Text.

    The title to the Text widget is the welcome part.

    After that, in the actual space, is the WordPress shortcut for date with a period after.
    ([current_date format=’l, F j, Y’].)

    Finally, I went to the next line and pasted the HTML: <iframe src=”; width=”175″ height=”45″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    The weather uses a second widget: Custom HTML. Its title is “And at this second…,” followed by HTML in the actual box.

    I tried everything I could, but nothing I could think of would make that space go away.

    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    Thanks for always looking out for me.

    The Slider reference was just to say thanks. I thought it looked incredible from the moment I saw it, and I use it for promotions and to save space. I can also use it if I ever find somebody to sell locals ads (since this is supposed to be a local website and using Google AdSense was not my original intention).

    As for seeing those Google ads on mobile but not desktop, I still can’t see them but I trust you can and that they will appear, since everything you said takes time did happen.

    Thanks again, and have a great weekend!

    Thread Starter Lenny Cohen


    OMG! You are amazing!

    I have a blog on, which I’ll be moving over when the domain is about to expire in the spring, so I have two Jetpacks. The first kept giving me error messages, even when I shut off “Enable site accelerator” but I finally found the second and it worked.

    For some reason, it always worked on the right-side widgets, so I used that as my guide.


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