I found a solution for this in the meantime (even if it is not the smartest):
My problem was, that I have configured a subdomain for the complete wp-content directory to serve images et.al. on a cookie free domain. the richreviews.css tries to call the font for the stars from the URL “url(“../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff”).
In my case, this means that the site www.example.com tries to use the fonts served by the domain static.example.com. this is not possible due to browser restricitons (you can find more here).
As I am not able to edit my .htacces, I found a very simple solution: I just moved the fonts folder to a directory outside of “wp-content” and pointed the URLs in the CSS directly to e.g. “www.example.com/mydirectory/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff”. This makes shure, that the fonts are loaded from the www domain too and there are no problems with CORS standards.