Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-LESS] Disappearing CSS file from uploads/wp-lessI might add I also have 1.5.3 and I still have this issue of the css path randomly becoming 404. I am still not sure if less is changing the path to one that doesn’t exist, or if the generated css file itself disappears (will take a note of the current hash for next time it happens). Fixable by enabling/disabling the plugin or editing the offending less file. Happens on both my production server running php 5.2 and my local running php 5.3 with no unusual mods and both with the latest wordpress.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-LESS] Disappearing CSS file from uploads/wp-lessEdit: I just noticed I am actually using an older version (1.5.2) and will update now and see if the problem happens again with 1.5.3
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-LESS] CSS Paths break after site migrationHi,
Sorry it is the latest version of your plugin and latest wordpress version running PHP 5.3 without APC on live, and I think PHP 5.4 on local. Difference between domains is: https://localhost/cloud/tfi/ and https://tfi.dreaminpixels.net/
I’ll check soon and post what the $matches array is holding in both cases.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP-LESS] CSS Paths break after site migrationTemporarily fixed this issue with the use of the @stylesheet_directory_uri variable. eg:
background: url(‘@{stylesheet_directory_uri}/images/interface/site-logo.png’) no-repeat;
And then bypassing your regex stuff since it wasn’t working. Interesting note that the final return was only happening once migrated.
protected function _filterStylesheetUri($matches) { if (preg_match('#^(http|@|data:|/)#Ui', $matches['url'])) { return $matches[0]; } /*return sprintf('url(%s%s%1$s)', $matches['quote'], $this->_TmpBaseDir . '/' . $matches['url'] );*/ return $matches[0]; }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin not allowed to edit this post ( wp_posts problems)in your wp_posts check that the following field:
post_mime_type does not have a default of nothing / null
a db script with this:
varchar(100) NOT NULL,
Will result in your error, it should be:
varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
(you can edit this in something like phpmyadmin)
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: dynamic_sidebar() function without call// Get the sidebars contents $widget_sidebars_content = array(); foreach($widget_sidebars_names as $sidebar_name) { ob_start(); dynamic_sidebar($sidebar_name); array_push($widget_sidebars_content, ob_get_clean()); }
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Problem with loop design in templateNevermind. I can call get_the_content at the top and after the slideshow call do_shortcode(content) so that I can still have shortcode features.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to test if admin bar is visibleThanks but you misunderstand, I need to check if its being used at the pre-processor (pre-display) point so I can perform some additional logic before the page is displayed.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_nav_menu dropdown walkerIts not really possible to differentiate in the current design using only css.
However it is pretty clean to do it in js, example with jquery:
$('#header ul#nav > li').has('ul').children('a').addClass('submenu-indicator-down'); // top level $('#header ul#nav li li').has('ul').children('a').addClass('submenu-indicator-right'); // all other levels