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I tried all combinations of the ‘override’-option, I still think this error is based somewhere else/deeper.
my taxonomy-event-category.php is a self-written one, based on my template and mixed with EM-formatting-options. I only replaced the standard ‘nothing found’-text by a nicer german text.
The “Override with Formats?”-Option is turned on.For me the error seems to be more basic, because the ‘if (have_posts())’ request is now false.
Maybe the changed checks in /classes/em-category-taxonomy.php (or somewhere else) have some effect, although I couldn’t fix it by restoring some older files.
Hiya Phil,
I tried out a very slim functions.php, the only custom function I left was
add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
because without it no category_list is redered in my menu-widget.
Nothing changed…
Yes, I tried already. But I#ve no idea, where to start. At my small, offline development installation I have a Wp with only two plugins and my EM contains three categorys with four events. The issue doesn’t occur. Would it be a good idea to export my 100 event from the live-system and to import to it to chase the bug? Or should I start somewhere else?No, the only thing I added to my functions.php are some ’em_event_output_placeholder’-filters and yes, I tried the usual troubel-shooting-tips like deactivating the plugins, re-change to standard-theme and resaving the permalinks…
Yes I did, but it dind’t change anything.
I found another strange behavour: A click an an empty category don’t show a 404 if you change the event_status of a published event by hand at the mySQL-table to ‘-1’
But it has no impact to the shown category.
maybe a phenomenon I found on my ‘working test system’ can help to find the issue: If I publish events with a date in past I get the described error, the catregory is shown in list although the events listings says “No events in this category”
No, it doesn’t depend on the category itself, to detach an event of a category ‘solve the problem’, any other category with an event in draft-mode in it is shown as well… The problem seems to be more fundamental.
Hi Phil,
thanks for your hints, I tried all of them, but none of them fixed the issue. Neither deactivating all plugins nor resaving the permalinks or changing the theme.
Not that good…
which page should be shown if you call an empty (sub)category-link? In my installation a click on an empty category always showed a 404…
It looks like that this issue is related to my installation, because I tried to find the problem in my quite pure test-version, where I configured some -now outdated- events and all works fine. Only if I publish outdated events I get my ’empty’ category shown, if I put them back to draft everything is nice again. How are the events marked as outdated by EM, if time goes by?
Any idea where to start searching, if it’s WP’s fault?
Next step: Showing the issue “in the wild”:
by using
usr: testuser
pass: termine2013at https://neu.lvq.de you can reach the frontend of the new website. plese choose ‘Weiterbildung für Arbeitssuchende | Terminübersicht’ to look at the described scenario. ‘testkategorie’ is shown at the left side although the corresponding event ‘testevent’ is in draft-mode.
Any Ideas?
Thanks for helping
Okay guys, here I am again ??
The steps you need to reproduce the issue:
I have two categories of events, each has some subcategories. For each category I’ve build a special page to show the subcategories and their events. At the sidebar I put
[categories_list child_of=6 hide_empty=1]
in a widget, in the main-area I show the events in tables by the short-code
[categories_list child_of=6 hide_empty=1] <h2>#_CATEGORYNAME</h2> #_CATEGORYNEXTEVENTS [/categories_list]
If I have an event in draft-mode in one of these subcategories the ’empty’ category is shown at the widget, the event display in the main-area is working correctly, the error-mesage “Keine Termine für diese Kategorie gefunden” is shown untill I publish the event.
Hope that helps
Hey Guys,
thanks for your input!right now I’m in a little hurry, but I will prepare a guide to build a situation as mine and will lok for a possibility to show my issue in the wild.
Of course ??
The german wp-version calls it “Im Papierkorb”. If you delete an event, it’s not really deleted, it’s moved to trash. It’s preserved, but marked as deleted, the “event_status” of the event at the database-table is changed to “-1”.
Clearer now?
Of course you can, I#m using EM Version 5.4.3.
In this special case I use [categories_list] in a widget as a manu for my subcategories in a category. Maybe it depends..
Thanks for caring
Thanks for the hint!
[categories_list child_of=3] <h2>#_CATEGORYNAME</h2> #_CATEGORYALLEVENTS [/categories_list]
works perfectly for me