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  • Got it!
    Thanks a lot for the guidance Electric Feet.

    I am sorry but I am having difficulty with this.
    I am using WP 3.8.1.
    Customizr Theme
    I am editing the CSS in a Child theme

    I want to reduce the width of the Header Navigation Bar.
    I want to shift the menu navigation to the right.
    I want to keep the RSS- social and the inside site description on the same line.

    In Fire Bug, I can get this with the following changes to CSS
    /*to adjust the size of the overall navigation menu*/
    .row-fluid .span9 .navbar-wrapper clearfix span9 {width: 65%;}

    /*to align the individual navigation elements to the right*/
    .navbar .nav {float:right;}

    /*to increase the space for the inside-site description*/
    .row-fluid .span7 {width:65%}

    /*to keep social-block and inside-site description on the same line*/
    .row-fluid .span5 {width:25%}

    The above code in FireBug gets me almost all the way to what I want. The problem is when I enter it in the CSS, update the CSS and then look at the site; no change.

    So, I am clearly doing something quite wrong. I did read the post:
    [Theme: Customizr] Change size of navbar – and tried those suggestions, but they too did not work.

    Some help here would be really appreciated.

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn



    Have you set up a child theme for your site? It is my understanding that you can the copy core modules you need to modify to the child theme, modify them and they will not be overwritten with each update.

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn



    I am not sure which transaction total you refer to.

    On my checkout page, there are two. The first is the total in the shopping cart at the top of the page. This total includes the $ value of the merchandise, the $ value of the sales tax = $ value of transaction total.

    At the bottom of my checkout page, there is a second transaction total. This includes both the merchandise and the sales tax, then it includes the $ value of the selected shipping option.

    When the customer clicks the Purchase Button, all this data is transferred to Pay Pal and is displayed by Pay Pal, prior to payment by the customer.

    In the interest of full disclosure, please understand that I am relatively new to the world of Word Press, HTML, PHP, CSS, Java, C+, ABC, XYZ or any other form of “code”. My suggestion to you is to take a look at the elements you are interested in and try to find out where each “Transaction Total” pulls its data from. Also, if you go to Google Code and find the WP-eCommerce page, you may be able to wander through each of the sections until you find if others have had the same problem and how they addressed it.

    Lastly, in my case, I had made some changes to the “transaction totals” in order to attempt to get each one to present and calculate correctly. It turned out, that I pulled in the wrong elements. So I agree that it can be very very frustrating. But, it is do-able.

    I hope this is some help. At least please try to view this comment as moral support!

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn



    I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I believe you have a few options. You can set up a table yourself or you can use UPS and/or USPS tables.

    As I understand your product, you have jars that can be shipped in units up to 6 jars, or full cases. I assume your shipping is to the United States only.

    What you may want to do is go to your products page and see if you can set up quantity variables, such as quantity by jar or quantity by case. Be sure to but the jar weights and sizes as well as the case weight and size. I have not used variables on my site, but if you search the forums, you should find the information you need.

    I noted that your product prices do not include shipping (shipping $0.00), which is fine as you can add that at checkout.

    If you have not configured shipping, you are in for a treat, that assumes you enjoy migraines, root canals, slamming your small toe into hard objects, and other forms of enhanced interrogation techniques.

    That warning said, what you need to do is go to USPS and UPS and get yourself set up with an account, and an authorization. Both their websites provide a fair amount of opaque information on how to do that. Once you have read their information, come back to and and go through all the forums. You will find a lot of information about how to configure the shipping modules for each of these services.

    Basically, what you will do is get an access code and an account number that needs to be validated by their servers. They may want you to test a few transactions to make sure the data is transferring correctly. I use the shipping calculator for each of these. I then take my packages to the post office or ups and ship them. However, with the calculator on, the customer can choose the shipping method they want and the price. It may be that your product is heavy in which UPS may be the only service you need. if not, then there is a cross over based on weight and distance when UPS is cheeper than USPS.

    I hope this helps. If you get stuck let me know. But please review the forums, the UPS and USPS website, the documentation first. This way your next set of questions my get answers from others who know much more than I.

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn


    Well my gentle readers, our intrepid hero has wandered through the darkness and labored mightily. He has been rewarded by the words of the immortal codex once again.

    There was a problem with the theme. esmi the wise, was right to reload the theme. Yet, the child theme was not being loaded. So our hero went to the noble codex and searched for “child theme not loading”. Buried in one of the comments, was the statement: “be sure to activate your theme through your administrative dashboard”. So rushing to his dashboard -> appearance -> themes, there low and behold, Twenty Eleven was not activated and the twentyeleven-child was not showing. So he activated the parent Twenty Eleven, and then the child theme was available. Having struggled through the desperation of a down site, he checked if the child theme needed activation, which it did. So he activated the child theme.

    There was a crack of thunder and a voice spoke out telling our hero to check his web site. He entered the url, a light appeared, and the universe was in balance and all is good in the world again.

    So gentle readers, this chapter ends. Rest assured, there will be another chapter in: “The Tortures of a Web Site Owner”.

    Thank you

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn


    Dear esmi,alchymyth, and Dr. Voodoo;
    First, I removed the duplicate from my child CSS as per the good Doctors’ advice.
    Second, I uploaded a current version of Twenty Eleven V 1.3.
    Third, I contacted my host (Host Gator) and they looked at the problem as I thought there might be something on their end. They uploaded the Twenty Eleven theme again. They said it was a problem with the theme. I pushed back a bit on this and the technician said the site was working but going to the Parent Theme, not the child theme. I verified this and so it is.

    The code in my current Twenty Eleven functions.php for the _content_nav() is as follows:

    [code moderated - the forum limit for posting code is 10 lines - for anything above, please use the pastebin]

    This is the code from line 424 through 439.

    The code in my index.php is as follows:

    [code moderated - please use the pastebin]

    I do believe this is the right code, but please let me know if you see anything amiss.

    At the moment, the site is up, but using the parent theme. When I inspect the site with firebug, what seems to be happening is the child theme is not loading, only the parent. I am going to reload my child theme, file by file (yes, I have a backup, thank God for small favors).

    In my child theme, I have a functions.php file which contains two functions specific to my child theme. I was advised not to change the parent functions.php file, but to include the functions in a file in the child theme. There has been no problem with this until yesterday. I also have a header.php in my child theme as I customized the header. However, if the child theme is not being read or loaded by the site, then, it would seen unlikely that these files are the issue.

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn


    Dear esmi,

    I did exactly as you said. I downloaded a fresh version of Twenty Eleven to my hard drive, extracted the files, then used FileZilla to upload to my Twenty Eleven theme folder on my host provider (HostGator).

    I checked that each file was updated, I also checked file sizes for both index.php and functions.php and re-uploaded those files just be be sure.

    I then checked the function for function content_nav() and it is the same as the old file.

    I then opened FireFox and tried to access the website. I got the following error message.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function twentyeleven_content_nav() in /home/fgoldwyn/public_html/ on line 23

    I also went to my root folder and checked my config.php file to make sure the correct database was referenced and it is.

    What else should I try?


    Thread Starter FGoldwyn


    One last comment.

    The error occurs in all browsers.

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn


    Rev. Voodo,

    Thanks for the comment.
    I will make that change, but that is not causing the problem.
    the index.php is calling the function twentyeleven_content_nav(). The function exists in the parent theme funtions.php.

    The fatal error message indicates the function is undefined. This does not seem to be the case. I am really confused about this and do not know how to fix it.

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn



    Sounds like you solved your problem. Congratulations!

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn



    Here is my comment about WP e-Commerce. I acknowledge that they do a terrible job of providing accurate, detailed and timely documentation. I also acknowledge that they significantly under-perform on providing online support. However, think about the complexity of an e-commerce platform and the number of ways it needs to integrate with third party platforms (USPS, FedEx, UPS, PayPal, Visa, MasterCard…..) that are highly robust and sophisticated as well as subject to Federal and State regulation. In addition, think about all the different kinds of products, shops, and services that the platform has to accommodate.

    If you go to the Google Code section, I think you will see a sincere effort to address issues and problems in an organized and thoughtful way. In my experience, most business people find software for their company that provides them with 80% of what they want and probably 95% of their critical needs. Rather than accepting this and working with the platform, they want to change the platform to get the remaining 20% of what they want and the 5% of what they think they need, at great expense.

    Considering my own frustrations with WP e-Commerce, I guess I would advise them to do three things. First, stop trying to expand and enhance the platform and focus on resolving all the existing issues. This will require real discipline on their part. Second, they need to develop a program to enlist the help of the WP and WP e-commerce community to assist them with online support and documentation. Third, they need to change their “tone” with their “customers”. Just because the general WP community is code savvy, that does not mean that they can be treated or spoken to in a dismissive or condescending way. They need to remember three powerful phrases:”how can I help”, It’s my fault and I’m very sorry”, “thank you”.

    Let me know how things go.

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn


    Ryan & Karasam

    First, I posted my problem on the GetShopped.Org forum as well as here on WP. Second, I sent an email to ECSQuest via their website. Third, I went to Google Code and found the WP e-Commerce section. Once there, I posted an issue as a user with very specific details about the versions of everything, including my browsers, and the exact steps I was taking that create the problem.

    With regard to my checkout, I had two issues. The first was the loop I mentioned above. The second was getting the right totals for my cart at the top and the summary at the bottom. The second problem was partially due to my using the wrong functions.

    I do know that there is an issue with the USPS component of the shipping module. I also know that others have had this problem. What I did not know was that my problem was happening in FireFox but not with IE. You should check that.

    Lastly, I am working from a child theme (twenty eleven) which made it easier to check if there were differences between the downloaded plugin files and my working files.

    I have sent an email to ECSQuest about Ryan’s comment, but have not heard back. I do know that they are very busy, but good. ECSQuest was able to fix my problem, but it required their having access to my server.

    I am not experienced enough to give you specific advice about what to do or change in your files. However, if you go to Google Code/wp e-commerce, you may be able to look in the code for the shipping module and compare that to your files.

    Do send ECSQuest an email via their website, and I will reach out to them again on your behalf. No promises about response, but I will try.

    Lastly, this plugin is branded through WordPress. I feel the WordPress community should be making a lot more noise about the level and quality of the documentation and support. It does not reflect well on WP and the WP community.

    Let me know how things go.




    I am having a similar problem. My cart is stuck in a loop and customers cannot check out and go to paypal to purchase. Further, when they click purchase, it takes them back to check out and they have to recalculate shipping, which may say that there is not shipping to that destination. If they click calculate again, it gives them a rate, but they cannot check out!

    No help from anyone – or WP. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know.

    Thread Starter FGoldwyn



    The below changes were made to the files in my child theme.

    I removed the enqueue from line 52 of the header.php.

    I moved the “//Header image fadein fade out” to below the initial <?php in the “function” file.

    I reloaded the page – no change and the function was not loading.

    I checked the spelling of the “function” file and added the “s”. Changing the name of the file from function.php to functions.php.

    I reloaded the page.

    At first there was no change. So I watched in fire bug. The script was running through the images and ending each image with “display: none”.

    Then I saw the script beginning to run again. This time it was running correctly.

    Take a look and let me know what you think!

    Thank you very much. I hope the rest of the wordpress community appreciates your efforts here as much as I do.

    As always, your thoughts, comments, advice and suggestions are warmly welcome.

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