It does not validate. Any idea how I can make a valid RSS feed for this site? It’s the autotranslated front of an English site.
This feed does not validate.
line 15, column 1: Undefined channel element: lastbuilddate [help]
<lastbuilddate>Man, 12 oktober 2020 13:02:34 +0000</lastbuilddate>
line 17, column 1: Undefined channel element: sy:updateperiod [help]
line 19, column 1: Undefined channel element: sy:updatefrequency [help]
line 27, column 2: Undefined item element: pubdate [help]
<pubdate>Man, 12 oktober 2020 13:02:34 +0000</pubdate>
line 29, column 2: Unexpected ispermalink attribute on guid element [help]
<guid ispermalink="false"></guid>
line 69, column 5: XML parsing error: <unknown>:69:5: mismatched tag [help]
In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendation.
line 12, column 102: Self reference doesn't match document location [help]
... rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />