Forum Replies Created
Thanks! That is already helping but is there a way to not just differ between logged in and not logged users but also between admins, member, fullmember, … So based on the roles I defined?
Hi Jordan,
sure be happy to.
On you can see me using:
<h3>Upcoming events</h3> CONTENTS <h3>Already booked events</h3> [my_bookings]
As a result it shows (for not logged in users):
Bitte anmelden, um deine Buchungen anzuzeigen. (which is “please login to see your bookings”)
Upcoming events
Upcoming events table
Already booked eventsFor logged in users:
Already booked events table
Upcoming events
Upcoming events table
Already booked eventsSo the first “line” is always showing the content from [my_bookings], but on top of the page and not at the end (as indicated in my code^^).
Hope that makes sense?
Ah okay. Thanks for the explanation :). I am just wondering why _event_start_date is working as a meta name for third party plugin but not within Events manager itself^^.
Hi Christopher,
I am trying to figure out the same thing. Are you sure that _Event_start_date is a valid meta name? For the starting time try #_24HSTARTTIME
or #_12HSTARTTIME. That is definitely working for me.Cheers Nick
Hi @caimin_nwl,
thanks. I was able to change my template so the ticketname is now showing.
It is working well for events with only one ticket. But as soon as my customer bought two tickets it is only showing the first ticket name. Is there a way to change all tickets the user bought for a specific event?That is the part I changed in the my-bookings.php:
<td><?php echo $EM_Event->output("#_EVENTLINK"); ?></td> <td><?php echo date_i18n( get_option('dbem_date_format'), $EM_Event->start ); ?>- <?php echo date_i18n( get_option('dbem_date_format'), $EM_Event->end ); ?> </td><td><?php echo $EM_Booking->output("#_BOOKINGTICKETNAME"); ?></td><td> <?php echo $EM_Booking->get_status(); ?></td>
- This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by findingitontheway.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by findingitontheway.
Hi Caimin,
thanks. I really appriciate your guys support.
Is there a way to tell that table to show only past or future events since I wanted to seperate them with using the line: [events_list scope=”future” limit=10 format_header=”<table>” format_footer=”</table>” ]
- This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by findingitontheway.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Appointment] Change image urls to httpsLooking good thanks!
I am just a bit worried to use a plugin for these kind of things, cause plugins are usually the weakest points when it comes to hacking my website^^.
Hi Angelo,
thanks! But isn’t that the same result as using #_EVENTDATES?
What I am trying to achieve is something like:
Start: So, 15.10.2017 – 9pm
End: Mo, 16.10.2017 – 2amSo I would expect something like:
End: #_EVENTENDDATE – #_24HENDTIMEOkay then I will tweak the css. I was just wondering why it wouldn’t pick up the general settings.
No worries. I will just use Ultimate Member and see how far I am getting^^
Any plugin you can recommand?
Hi @ghotion
out of curiosity and cause I might need something similar for myself but what is [dg ids=”143″] stand for?
Hi Jordan,
I created the following event: where people can “book” their slots to work on certain events. Since I named the tickets after 1. Day, 2. Day, 3. day (when I only named them tuesday, wednesday, thursday it came up in the order thursday, tuesday, wednesday) it would be okay for now but idealy I would be able to “group” them to show all three “tickets” for tuesday then have a devider and then show the four options for wednesday and then the option for thursday. Just to have a better overview.
Right now I am getting the feeling that it would have been better to create three events (for each day) and then find a way to put all of the three events on one page using shortcodes.
Hi Jordan,
thanks. I tried:
[events_list scope="future" limit=10 format_header=”<table>” format_footer=”</table>” ] <table class="events-table"> <thead> <tr> <th class="event-description" scope="col">Kommende Veranstaltung</th> <th class="event-time" scope="col">Location</th> <th class="event-time" scope="col">Datum/Zeit</th> <th class="event-time" scope="col">Verfügbare Pl?tze</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>#_EVENTLINK</td> <td>{has_location}<i>#_LOCATIONPOSTCODE #_LOCATIONTOWN, #_LOCATIONADDRESS</i>{/has_location}</td> <td>#_EVENTDATES</td> <td>#_AVAILABLESPACES/#_SPACES</td> </tr> </tbody></table> [/events_list]
But for some reason that just leads to all events coming up as a seperate table.
By the way: Your plugin is awesome. Is there a shortcode available to show only recurring events on one page and normal events ona different page? I would like to show normal events as a list and the recurring (since I will have different shifts) as a calender.