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  • Thread Starter finisterra


    Thank you, I was doing the same way but getting too long URL error. I ended up doing 100 at a time. Thats fine though.

    Thank you. Appreciate the superfast response ??

    Thread Starter finisterra


    Thank you for the quick response.

    I know its a nothing issue and generally the computer’s antivirus detects such malicious content but just in case someone decides to bind a virus behind a pdf which for some reason bypasses the antivirus and you know how some of the HR people are not really tech savy to understand that…

    Do you happen to know any such plugin that integrates with SJB?

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter finisterra


    Well thank you for your time but what you wrote doesn’t help in anyway infact its discouraging lol. Kindly next time you post on some other post, please try to help people and don’t type things like this.

    I know its not simple or straightforward, everything in life is difficult until you learn it. Stating that doesn’t accomplish anything. Thats like saying please don’t try it sir! its really hard! I don’t think you can do it!

    I would appreciate if you would provide some hints or suggestions instead of just typing something I already mentioned or something obvious.

    Anyways, thank you for trying to be of help. I have figured out a way to edit some stuff to get it close to what I wanted and maybe in days to come I’ll get it done completely.


    Thread Starter finisterra


    Yes I want to do that but I do not understand the file to make it use different template. I will post the contents of the file, can you help me with it?

    Template Name: Custom Page Example
    <?php do_action( '__before_main_wrapper' ); ##hook of the header with get_header ?>
    <div id="main-wrapper" class="<?php echo implode(' ', apply_filters( 'tc_main_wrapper_classes' , array('container') ) ) ?>">
        <?php do_action( '__before_main_container' ); ##hook of the featured page (priority 10) and breadcrumb (priority 20)...and whatever you need! ?>
        <div class="container" role="main">
            <div class="<?php echo implode(' ', apply_filters( 'tc_column_content_wrapper_classes' , array('row' ,'column-content-wrapper') ) ) ?>">
                <?php do_action( '__before_article_container' ); ##hook of left sidebar?>
                    <div id="content" class="<?php echo implode(' ', apply_filters( 'tc_article_container_class' , array( TC_utils::tc_get_layout(  TC_utils::tc_id() , 'class' ) , 'article-container' ) ) ) ?>">
                        <?php do_action( '__before_loop' );##hooks the header of the list of post : archive, search... ?>
                            <?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
                                <?php while ( have_posts() ) : ##all other cases for single and lists: post, custom post type, page, archives, search, 404 ?>
                                    <?php the_post(); ?>
                                    <?php do_action( '__before_article' ) ?>
                                        <article <?php tc__f( '__article_selectors' ) ?>>
                                            <?php do_action( '__loop' ); ?>
                                    <?php do_action( '__after_article' ) ?>
                                <?php endwhile; ?>
                            <?php endif; ##end if have posts ?>
                        <?php do_action( '__after_loop' );##hook of the comments and the posts navigation with priorities 10 and 20 ?>
                    </div><!--.article-container -->
               <?php do_action( '__after_article_container' ); ##hook of left sidebar ?>
            </div><!--.row -->
        </div><!-- .container role: main -->
        <?php do_action( '__after_main_container' ); ?>
    </div><!-- //#main-wrapper -->
    <?php do_action( '__after_main_wrapper' );##hook of the footer with get_get_footer ?>

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter finisterra


    Yes right now it is pulling everything from template and that is what I would like to change. How can I achieve it? Any clues?

    I don’t have any category.php or archive.php in the customizr theme but if I make a copy of index.php as category-name.php, it uses that. Perhaps, I could use this somehow? But I do not understand the code inside index.php to make the required changes.

    Do you know about this or if you know any alternative to do this?


    I solved it in mine but the other person still has the problem. I can still see it not acting properly on their website.


    I fixed it.

    Newsletter plugin was causing the problem. Probably had its own version of css conflicting with the theme. Disabled few things from the plugin and it is working now.

    I don’t know if you have the same plugin or not. But what you can do is temporarily disable all plugins and you will notice that the menu works perfect. Now manually enable the plugins one by one and watch if the menu faces the problem again.

    This way you will identify the one plugin causing the problem. Then you can go deeper in the plugin configuration to disable whatever is causing the problem or if you can’t figure out you can just disable the plugin and look for an alternative.

    Hope it helps, good luck.

    Thread Starter finisterra


    Nvm, fixed it.

    Newsletter plugin was causing the problem. Probably had its own version of css conflicting with the theme. Disabled few things from the plugin and it is working now.

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